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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Eddy Elfenbein of Crossing Wall Street fame has added Miller Industries to his portfolio this year. I know Eddy spends a lot of time analyzing companies ahead of bringing them into his portfolio and he is giving Miller a glowing recommendation. I wonder what your take is of Miller as an addition to a growth TFSA portfolio?
Read Answer Asked by David on January 11, 2021
Q: Hammond Power Solutions was featured on BNN yesterday. They seem to have a history of paying a good dividend (4%) and potentially in a position to catch the benefits from the renewable energy wave. Would you invest in this stock, or are there any similar investments that are a better play you'd suggest? I'm considering selling some gold mining stocks in KNT to buy HPS to diversify my portfolio a bit, I won't be drawing from my RRSP for 50+ years.
Read Answer Asked by John on January 11, 2021
Q: I bought $10,000 of random stocks 2 years ago that have gone down 95% (ACB, NVCN, HVT, HEXO, LTV). The only reason I have not cut my losses yet is because they are all in my TFSA so I don’t want to lose that $9,500 of contribution room when I do sell the stocks. If you do recommend I sell them all anyways, which high growth potential stocks would you recommend for TFSA vs non-registered accounts? I know you can’t give personalized advice but hypothetically, how would you immediately invest $100,000 into a TFSA with the rest of the funds invested in a non-registered account that includes the following: high growth potential, all equities, and is the most tax efficient way to gain the Canadian and International market? I currently use my full RRSP contribution room for ITOT so I have enough US market in my growth portfolio.
Read Answer Asked by Jasmine on January 11, 2021
Q: Hi, Would like to start a small cap pool of potential high growth companies in Canada and US. What would be your picks? I have started with XBC and AT..
What would the recommended holding time be? so far my general mistake has been to give up on small cap stocks too early during periods of lull..AT is a good example I quit too early and missed a 10 fold increase and now I am back in..TSLA is another great miss for me not a small cap though.. Thank you.


Read Answer Asked by Shyam on January 11, 2021