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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello Team,
Could you give me an analysis on this company and is it one you would endorse?
Thank You,
Read Answer Asked by Barry on February 16, 2021
Q: My research drudged up this on Kaleyra, do you agree or have anything to add? Was thinking of starting a position.

A cloud computing company offering communications solutions. The company’s SaaS platform supports SMS, voice calls, and chatbots – a product with obvious applications and value in today’s office climate, with the strong push to telecommuting and remote work. Kaleyra boasts over 3,500 customers, who make 3 billion voice calls and sent 27 billion text messages in 2019 (the last year with full numbers available).
Over the past 6 months, KLR shares have shown tremendous growth, appreciating 155%. Kaleyra’s revenues have grown along with the share value. The company’s 3Q20 results hit $38.3 million, the best since KLR went public. While Kaleyra still runs a net earnings loss each quarter, the Q3 EPS was the lowest such loss in the past four quarters.
“Over the past few years, Kaleyra has posted double-digit revenue growth and positive adjusted EBITDA. We forecast revenue growth of 9%, 22%, and 28% for 2020-2022. We project adjusted EBITDA declines in 2020 to reflect public company costs and COVID-19, but growth at over twice the rate of revenue for the following two years. We expect benefits from operating leverage, low-cost tech employees, cost volume discounts as the company expands, and margin improvement from new offerings and geographies. Over the longer term, we believe the company can grow revenue close to 30% with even faster bottom line growth,” .

Read Answer Asked by James on February 16, 2021
Q: (Part 2 with 6 new companies) I watched a presentation on Saturday where analysts fielded audience company suggestions and whittled them down to a few that they felt could 10 X in a reasonable time frame. I am wondering if you can look at this six and rank based on potential? For the top two, it would be great if you can discuss the TAM, impact of market value and shares outstanding, if they are solving a new problem/creating a new market and quality of management. Basically, why those two?

Read Answer Asked by Tim on February 12, 2021
Q: I came across PUMP, World Class Extractions, on Jan 26 had an update on Pineapple Express Delivery, they have controlling interest. They deliver Cannabis B-B, and B-C, and also Liquor in some jurisdictions. They deliver Medical Cannabis for Shoppers Drug mart , as well as for Spectrum, medical division of Canopy Growth. Now they’re applying for license from Canadian Gov for “Sale for Medical Purposes “ for its facility in GTA. They seem relatively undiscovered, but getting attention lately. Do you think they could be a good Aquisition target by Shoppers or Canopy Growth, or any other bigger player for that matter.
Plus in their own business in the CBD products and devices could also be attractive part to the package
Read Answer Asked by Allen on February 12, 2021
Q: good morning
we are wondering if you have any information on the above symbol. Quantum Solar Power Corp. This trades in U.S. dollars. We have held this for some time buying in at the seed stage. Cannot get any information on this. It is small but showing signs of life with the new push for solar power. Any information you can provide would be appreciated.
Ken and Cindy
Read Answer Asked by cindy on February 11, 2021