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Investment Q&A

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Q: In my previous question about Earth Alive Clean Technology you mentioned the % of insider and institutional holding, wouldn’t you view that as a positive , especially for such a small company? The market for the sectors they’re in is very large, with the above companies I’ve referenced, if Earth Alive Clean can grab an increase in market share with their new products it could transformational for them , no?
Read Answer Asked by Allen on February 04, 2021
Q: Maurice asked about QYOU and your answer about insiders perked my interest as I bought a small position today with some play money when it dropped with the bought deal announcement. Can you elaborate who specifically (G Scott Paterson?)

Looking at their executive team and Board Members it seems like they have some massive experience running large media companies... Curt Marvis, former president of Lionsgate Digital, Les Garland - cofounder of MTV and VH1, Glenn Ginnsburg - formerly VP of sales for Walt Disney and MTV, Andy Kaplan - former president of Sony Pictures, Steve Beek - former co-COO of Lionsgate. Seems like a very qualified group to lead a newer media company, would you not agree?

They seem to have the right set of people and are starting to grow audience reach in India specifically. The growth for The Q India (youth oriented channel now available in and on over 650 million homes and devices in India,) since it became BARC (India's "Nielsen") rated less than one year ago makes The Q India the fastest growing Hindi General Entertainment channel in the country on
satellite and cable television. Other areas of possible growth is influencer marketing as well.

Thanks for your time!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on February 04, 2021
Q: Peter; I asked their investor relations department re hold up- the below is his reply. Hello Rod
As shared in last Friday's Sangoma has signed an agreement to buy a
company called Star2Star
The transaction meets the criteria for review by our exchange, the TSX-V,
and we submitted the necessary documents on January 29th. In the course
of their review the TSX-V may ask questions which the company will answer
but the timetable is governed by the exchange so we don't know exactly
when they will complete their review such that trading can recommence.
Read Answer Asked by Rodney on February 04, 2021
Q: I recently stumbled on Earth Alive Clean Technology, they have new products in the dust control area for the industrial space such as mining, and fertilizer and activators for the agricultural area. They recently commented on the fact that California approved them and new commitments and a promising near term.
They got hit in recent quarters and stock suffered a lot, with the agricultural area getting more $ on commodity prices, it is suggested they will be increasing spending on fertilizers and such, and likewise the mining sector will be flush with cash and also have increased activity and spending.
Wondering your thoughts on company and it’s positioning, I realize it’s very small market cap, but with the combination of depressed share price and it’s new product offerings and sector tailwinds would you view it positively for a speculative buy.
Read Answer Asked by Allen on February 04, 2021