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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good morning, thoughts on the Q4 from DTEA and thier transition from bricks and mortar to an online retailer.
Once the CCAA is settled what do you see as a reasonable multiple on this type of business, considering thier online revenue growth rate was close to 100% year over year. Do retailers who garner the majority of thier revenue online command better multiples than traditional bricks and mortar businesses?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on May 03, 2021
Like most portfolios I have a few stocks that at this time are money losers . I would like your opinion which of these stocks I should continue to hold for the long term .

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Howard on May 03, 2021
Q: Hi 5i Team. Thanks as always. I'm looking to start some positions in the USD side of my TFSA over the course of the next month or so. I'm particularly interested in good growth opportunities in the following sectors: Technology, Healthcare, Industrials and Communications. Can you suggest a few US stocks within each of these sectors that are some of your best ideas right now? I am open to all types of suggestions, but already having a few larger caps (MFST, ABBV, LMT) I would prefer small or mid-cap suggestions where possible. Please take as many credits as necessary - thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by Brad on May 03, 2021
Q: At first glance MRS reminds me of my first impression of Air Boss. The MRScorp website is devoted to selling shares, and is a low quality website with a limited product line, that even I could improve on (the website that is). This would normally be a red flag for me for a product sales company, but perhaps the industry is more direct sales. Do you have any insight?
Read Answer Asked by Rick on April 30, 2021