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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am trying to grow a small position in GDI and have two options. As I add funds over the coming months I can just average in, or I could sell my position in QIPT and get a larger position right away.

I know the stocks aren't comparable, but what would your thoughts be on this move? I think QIPT has decent growth prospects but one thing this move would do is take remove some risk (from small-cap to GDI market cap over 1 billion. Thanks for your thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on September 16, 2021
Q: I watched the interview on BNN with Mr. Bedard this morning and a couple of things jumped out at me. This is a company that has so far produced 400 vehicles building a 900,000 sq. ft. plant that is capable of producing 20,000 vehicles a year and is the largest of it's type in the U.S. ..... Nobody does something like that without a good reason for it. That would be like British Properties making the Lions Gate bridge ten lanes because " Maybe we'll need them someday " .... And the CIBC analyst expectations of revenue of $92 million going to $454 million in one year ..... Sure can't see that on the basis of telling the salesmen to " Go out and see if you can flog these things " ..... My brain says there is a reason for the plant and the analysts expectations ..... Any idea what that might be ?
Read Answer Asked by Garth on September 16, 2021
Q: I sometimes look at Keith Schaeffer's site "Investing Whisperer" when I'm in the market for snake oil. It is a very promotional site (mostly sponsored picks) and has a lot more misses than winners, despite the hype. The recommendations are mostly speculative and most have been dismal failures recently with the return of a healthy level of risk-adversity to the markets.

These reservations aside, I am intrigued by a recent pick that is at least showing some momentum: EWG. Peter, I'd be interested in your take on this one.
Read Answer Asked by David on September 16, 2021
Q: Hi,
In respect to the question from Brad in regards to small caps, you responded as:

"We have seen some studies showing the group is cheap (relatively) than it has been in 10 years. The 4Q is often good for the sector.

Could you name 3 to 5 small cap stocks that you would recommend?
Read Answer Asked by ilie on September 16, 2021
Q: What reasons would cause the stock to trade so far below the takeover price?
Read Answer Asked by edward on September 15, 2021
Q: Hi,

I have a general question of small cap vs large cap. Since the start of the year, there seems to have been a move out of small caps into large cap. Given that large cap (using LSPD, SHOP, CSU, TOI, NVEI etc as proxy) have moved so significantly in the past few months - what do think the odds are there will be a move back into small cap?

thank you
Read Answer Asked by Brad on September 14, 2021