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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Can you please take a look at GMG Graphene’s recent announcements and add your thoughts on Phase 1 and the market for A/C graphene coating. Please also comment on their partnerships with Rio Tinto, Bosch and Wood. What is the future market potential for Aluminum Graphene batteries? The stock seems to be holding up in this market…what would it take for you guys to be interested in this industry and in this particular small cap stock as well.

PS and thank you on your previous answer on Tantalus Systems(GRID)I will be renewing my subscription with 5i for years to come. Cheers🍺
Read Answer Asked by James on August 18, 2022
Q: Can you please comment on Tantalus' earnings? Has your outlooked improved or changed since your last comments. And based on Peter's Five winning traits for small/mid cap companies how does Tantalus rate on "Management", "Sponsorship", I know EDC(Export Development Canada) is involved with them somehow but not sure in what way(would you guys have access to that info?) and that Pendergrowth owns shares, "New and Big market opportunity" there are lots of utilities to upgrade is GRID best positioned to do this?, Is their BALANCE SHEET improving? and lastly they have limited PROMOTION which Peter likes. As you can see I have lots of questions on this particular company, looking forward to your take.
Read Answer Asked by James on August 17, 2022
Q: My son has saved up for a bit and has a decent amount of capital for his age. He has a TFSA but his investments are varied and not the best for a long term portfolio. We recently sat down and planned out a long term portfolio that would less risky for long term holdings. Would you guys change/swap, remove or add any from this portfolio of Canadian Stocks? TD, MG, BAM.A, ENB, SLF, FSV, T, FTS, CNR and TRI. Is the market also in a comfortable position to currently make a large investment of capital? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on August 16, 2022
Q: Hi 5i Team - Could you elaborate on the results of the voting at the recent AGM meeting of EGLX. Specifically how successful was Greywood, how many of the board members are now from Greywood and how might the new board be structured including the chair. Also any ideas on who the new CEO might be. In your opinion should the 'Greywood' influence be good for the company.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on August 16, 2022