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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: My question is on BOARDWALKTECH SOFTWARE. I've read your last comments but I’m just trying to understand what industry this company caters to. Where do they derive their revenues from and is the CAGR (Compounded Annual Growth Rate) for this particular industry good looking forward? If you were going to add this to a microcap portfolio would you do it here as it is getting close to 52 week highs or wait for a pull back, or just stay away from it period and sell, sell, sell if you already have a position?
Read Answer Asked by James on September 15, 2022
Q: I noticed an interesting thing the other day, with the CPI announcement in the US causing a sudden severe tech market downdraft. Tech stocks such as Amazon went down about 6% and have stayed there. Smaller Canadian tech stocks didn't however. I hold both Converge and Topicus and they are both trading higher than they were two or three days ago. Does this decoupling mean that smaller Canadian tech stocks may have bottomed? Ie. all of the weak shareholders have been flushed out and mostly long term holders now hold the shares?
Read Answer Asked by Michael on September 15, 2022
Q: These four stocks that I have an equal weighting in came to my attention because of the insider buying. Could you please comment on if this insider buying and overall ownership is significant and rank them from best to worst based on that information only. Then please rank them on which would have the best overall return based on dividends and capital gains for the next 3 years from best to worst and explain why (the pros) for the one you ranked first overall and why(the cons) why you ranked the fourth stock last.

And lastly is there any of the four you just wouldn’t buy today. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by James on September 14, 2022
Q: TV recently announced:

Trading of the Company's shares has been suspended since August 22, 2022 as a result of the Company filing for protection under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act ("CCAA") and this suspension will continue until the delisting takes effect. In addition to the TSX delisting, the Company expects its common shares will also be delisted in due course from the other exchanges on which the common shares currently trade.

Shareholders retain their legal rights and equity interest and are advised to contact their brokerage where shares are held regarding retention policies for unlisted shareholdings and potential for shares to trade in over-the-counter markets.

Can you please guide me as to what my options are.
1) are the shares I hold virtually worthless or is there a decent possibility that if I hold onto them I will receive something? what would you put the odds of getting something at and what do you think it would be relative to their last closing price of $.205
2) If I wanted to sell the share in the "over-the-counter" market they refer to, how do I do that
3) if it were you, what would you do?

Thank you for your advice

Read Answer Asked by Scott on September 14, 2022
Q: Considering the recent announcement regarding the declining ad revenue going forward , how safe is the dividend? Please rate On a scale of 1-10 where 10 is extremely likely to cut the dividend. Is there a turnaround story here at all? How low can it go, what’s the bottom? I’m down around 48% and very disappointed and frustrated with this investment. I’m wondering whether to cut my losses now and take a 50% loss or wait for a possible turnaround or takeover. Many thanks for the amazing service you provide.
Read Answer Asked by Anthony on September 14, 2022
Q: In your comments on Biosyent Oct /21 , you indicated that , while very small , the company had impressive financials . Could I have your up-dated assessment post recent earnings and in particular in light of its announcement of an inaugural dividend by the end of this year.
Read Answer Asked by William on September 13, 2022
Q: Hi Team,
The stock performance of Well is a bit perplexing to me as of late. I understand that growth stocks in general have gotten slaughtered the last year. But this is a Health company (which I thought in general are supposed to fair well in "recession" type environments). The company so far has proven to be growing at a very high rate. Last numbers beat estimates if I remember correctly, and guidance upgraded. It had received some Price Target upgrades from analysts after the last release. Yet the share price continues to drift lower. Canada in general seems to have a healthcare "shortage" right now if you believe what the media tells us. You would think a company with "telehealth", which I think will have great future growth and help ease contstraints on hospitals somewhat would be catching the eye of long term investors here. As well, the CEO has a proven track record as building up a company and selling it. Am I missing something, or could this set up be one of the most compelling on the tsx today for long term buyers at this level? Also, is Well still a relatively "unknown" company to the investment world in canada? It seems that getting in early with unknown companies that end up sucessful can sometime generate outsized returns over the long haul. As is the notorious (10 baggers) everyone can dream of finding once in a lifetime. This all being said, should I be buying today for the buy and hold strategy? Your comments are appreciated. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Shane on September 09, 2022