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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am curious if your opinion of these two firms has changed. I am interested if you see any catalysts for significant growth from either of them. I do realise they are - or at least were - high risk. Just looking for some play money attempts at a 10 bagger plus! Some of my comments are below.

1) In the last couple of years ZDC has managed to move in to something we might be able to call profit, and their market cap has grown from your $4 million estimate in 2019 to about $30 million today.

2) AMI you called a sell in 2020. Their fracking sand was supposed to be a hot thing for them for years now, and I do see "some" movement in that direction, but slowly indeed.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on October 12, 2022
Q: Hi 5i team.

Looking to add a few penny stocks to my play money account.
When do they (ADCO) report next and what is expected please.
I have patience. Do you see a future for this company and it's stock price.
Can you suggest 3-5 small caps similar with better potential from here?

Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on October 12, 2022
Q: Wallbridge is in the process of spinning out its nickel properties to Archer Exploration. How does the larger version of Archer compare to Canada Nickel in terms of quality and valuation. Thanks for this great service,
Read Answer Asked by Christopher on October 12, 2022
Q: In my holding company trading account with a year-end of Oct 31, I plan to sell these losers in the next few days to offset earlier capital gains. I expect that these companies may drop even further during the tax loss selling season. Do you see any potential for any of these companies that might lead me to buy back the shares after 30 days?
Read Answer Asked by Brendon on October 07, 2022
Q: Hi, I have heard a market commentator mention more then once that there is good possibility that Quebecor will eventually buy the remaining shares and take TVA private. I understand Quebecor does own 65% of TVA. According to a newsletter I subscribe to It now appears quite cheap on a few metrics such as Price to cash flow, PE and has low debt. It’s also near its 52 week low. Only negative in can see is decreasing earnings per share from 2021 to 2022. Do you see Quebecor taking TVA private at some point in the future and if so why or why not? Please rate the probability on a scale of 1-10 whereby 10 is very likely. Many thanks for the excellent service that you provide.
Read Answer Asked by Anthony on October 07, 2022
Q: Please name your favourite 5 small cap companies expected to grow sales at 50 per cent or more within the next one to two years. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Marco on October 06, 2022
Q: What's up with Well Health? Great results, analyst consensus of $9 - but stock stinks at $3.

Is Li Ka Shing still a shareholder? The last Cantech article seems unclear by saying "lead by..."; like "lead in spirit, but not dollars"? WELL is a sponsor of Cantech and Wadell owns shares personally, so the language and format of that article seem questionable. I kinda get the impression Li has liquidated his position but the company is tiptoeing around disclosing that. A couple sources say Li has "exited" but you may have clearer info from company IR.

I know Hamed Shabazi (ceo of WELL) is close friends with Sharzad Rafati, (ceo of BBTV) and that company has been an utter disaster. Hamed also sits on the board. Do you see any contagion spilling over? Similar problems, tricks or worse?

Something doesn't add up with the share performance of WELL based on their results, supposed high profile backers and analyst target consensus. Can they handle their debt? Have they overextended? Was that short report correct in their analysis of the CRH takeover? I mean that was a trash article; poorly researched and appears to be written by a confused teenager.

I like Hamed and followed him all the way back from the TIO days. I want to be sure that I am not picking up a scent similar to the fraudulent Canadian roll-up "darling" Patient Home Monitoring - I still have nightmares from that burn. The analysts all loved that one too. Well, thanks for your insight!
Read Answer Asked by Aidan on October 05, 2022