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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am interested in your comments about PKT. In late 2020 they seemed to wake up and start what appeared to be a pretty aggressive growth strategy, The market responded and the stock price went from $.10 to $1.77 in a 4 month stretch. It has since lost steam and has been hovering around $1.00 for a long time. In the past 12 months it looks like insiders have executed 70 BUYS and 0 SELLS buying over 8m shares or 3.55% of the float (if I am reading your data correctly). My questions are:

- how would you rate their financial stability?
- how would you rate management?
- how would you rate their recent acquisitions?
- management seem to be fully committed and must see the stock as a screaming buy but as they load up on stock is there a danger that they could take the company private at a huge discount while the market is ignoring the stock.......I am interested in how do you read this.

Love your comments and insights

Read Answer Asked by Scott on January 23, 2023
Q: Hi, Richards Packaging stock has been a disappointment for past 2 years. It is down over 50%, from the high of $84 made 2-3 years ago and still keeps drifting lower. Dividend has not grown for many years and the only reason yield shows at 3.5%, as stock price has declined so much. Based on your past comments and considering this stock potential, primarily income, is it worth holding on or move to better options. Also, do you foresee any recovery in the stock price, in 2023, based on company's financials, further integration of the healthcare company, acquired a few years ago and in the backdrop of a slowing economy ? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on January 19, 2023
Q: Hi 5i Team - Trading in Sierra Madre Gold and Silver (SM - V) has been halted for many months now, starting around the time they made an announcement regarding an acquisition I think. Would you be able to find out why the long trading halt and if there is a chance of trading resuming sometime in the near future. Any other information such as insider holdings/trading, the status of the balance sheet, newsworthy projects, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on January 19, 2023
Q: Hi 5i Team,

Do you see any small cap names that are looking especially attractive at the moment?

Read Answer Asked by Evan on January 17, 2023