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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: would like more info about the proposed take-over of HAI by ET.Is this totally of the rails now?Can you tell me what ET's position is in HAI and if ET is still slowly buying shares of HAI.
What are your thoughts here,would there be good synergies?
If you had to pick 5 take over candidates,which ones would you pick?
Read Answer Asked by Josh on August 09, 2023
Q: The Hammond Companies based in Guelph are producing astounding numbers yet HMM.A is far behind in stock market valuation with a projected P/E of 3 to 4. Why is there a discrepancy between the two companies.
Read Answer Asked by michael on August 05, 2023
Q: Peter and His Wonder Team
Based on my previous question last quarter I know you were cautious going forward. So again they report what appears to be a solid quarter. Does this in any way charge your perspective. In other words I would appreciate your current opinion. I am not sure if I should take my profit and be happy or continue to be patient because the odds would be in my favour for another modest run up. Your professional opinion is always helpful with a high degree of accuracy. As a little retail investor I thank you immensely.
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on August 04, 2023
Q: Hi 5i

With the recent quarterly release I see that HPS continues to do well.
I'm just curious as to how they compare to their competition in this space?
Are there larger or smaller companies that are doing equally as well and therefore also worth looking at?
Or is this somewhat of a moat business?

Read Answer Asked by Brian on August 04, 2023
Q: Hello,

Since the world has returned to "normal," fitness equipment maker Nautilus has fallen off a cliff. I'm wondering if this company is worth buying at ~$1.00, considering the possibility that when aliens start co-habitating with humans, there may be an increased demand for at-home gyms again from a segment of the population that could be alien-phobic. It would be a small stake (~2% of my TFSA), but I'd be risk-averse if the company is on the verge of bankruptcy.

Read Answer Asked by Mark on August 04, 2023