Q: I have read your comments on ECN. But with the debentures (ECN.DB.B) yielding over 9% and the preferreds (ECN.PR.C) over 13% someone hold my hand!
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
Q: Hi Guys,
I'm looking at a couple of smaller oil and gas companies and wanted to get your thoughts. i3 Energy and Gear Energy. Both of them got into a little trouble this year when they implemented a unstainable dividend. Their dividends have been dropped to a sustainable level, but both of their share prices took a pretty good hit for that. However it looks like they have good cash flow, both are paying down debt, and they seem to have pretty good land packages. I was thinking with all the cash floating around the oil patch right now, both would be pretty good takeout targets. Curious on your thoughts and if they would be a good hold.
I'm looking at a couple of smaller oil and gas companies and wanted to get your thoughts. i3 Energy and Gear Energy. Both of them got into a little trouble this year when they implemented a unstainable dividend. Their dividends have been dropped to a sustainable level, but both of their share prices took a pretty good hit for that. However it looks like they have good cash flow, both are paying down debt, and they seem to have pretty good land packages. I was thinking with all the cash floating around the oil patch right now, both would be pretty good takeout targets. Curious on your thoughts and if they would be a good hold.
Q: Any word on what’s happening at ECN?
Q: Hi 5i Team - Should DCM's recent and steady decline be of concern and is its balance sheet in decent shape. Also is this a growth stock or more of a value stock. Some time ago it did an acquisition which had an immediate and continuing positive effect on the stock price but the enthusiasm seems to be fading. Do you expect there will more acquisitions in the coming months/years. Also is insider ownership fairly substantial and is it growing or declining. Thanks.
Q: Hi Team,
Reading up on your prior responses about this company, what would it take for you to be more comfortable with this company?
It seems to have a lot of government support as well - but so did XBC and I do hope it is not following the same path...
Reading up on your prior responses about this company, what would it take for you to be more comfortable with this company?
It seems to have a lot of government support as well - but so did XBC and I do hope it is not following the same path...
Q: Would appreciate your updated thoughts on this stock. In your opinion has the country risk increased or decreased over the past year?
Q: Can you explain why the the share price for TELL has dropped precipitously over the last month. The latest news that I could find related to the agreement with Baker Hughes which seemed quite positive to me but the share price for TELL has not acted that way Thanks
Q: Dear 5i team.
Just finished reading the past few mths questions on APPS. Obviously, you've thrown in the towel on it.
Do you see a scenerio where they go bankrupt? IE: equity going to zero? You said it's debt/cash flow is 4Xs. Terminal, or does mgmt have a shot at redemption?
Appreciate your updated views on their fundimentals.
Just finished reading the past few mths questions on APPS. Obviously, you've thrown in the towel on it.
Do you see a scenerio where they go bankrupt? IE: equity going to zero? You said it's debt/cash flow is 4Xs. Terminal, or does mgmt have a shot at redemption?
Appreciate your updated views on their fundimentals.
Q: Is there a price you would consider to be attractive to enter this at? There must be something of value?
Q: Closed at 2.33 yesterday, then shortly after the company releases a prelim for Q3 of better than expected results than previously announced. They gave numbers that told an obvious story of improvement in all aspects. I consider this a load up scenario. I know your position is generally conservative but in this case isn't this a rare opportunity to buy in cheap with them giving you a glimpse of what is to come.
Q: your comments on buying
mxg at current levels
please and thank you.
mxg at current levels
please and thank you.
Q: Have you had time to review the short report from Culper on Xpel. What are your thoughts on their claims and whether this is an opportunity or signs of smoke where there may be more fire? Thx
Q: Is this worth adding to, especially given the world events unfolding - will they be a net beneficiary which will result in growth?
Q: Why is the stock taking such a hit today,after coming out with what seemed to me,good news on a new product???
Q: For some time 5i (and others) have noted that small cap valuations are low on a historic basis, and I also believe that you have commented that small caps often lead in a market turnaround? I really like a good "reversion to the mean" play, but what are the conditions for that to happen? I have to think inflation and higher interest rates are disproportionate headwinds for smaller companies vs large caps. What should one look for before buying a small cap ETF, or just forget the timing and figure you'll be happy in a few years one way or another? Thanks for your thoughts.
Q: Hello,
Can I have your opinion on Amerigo Resources (ARG). Thanks
Can I have your opinion on Amerigo Resources (ARG). Thanks
Q: The contract changes in Trinidad and Tobago seem to be a loss of sales. How much does the idling of the Atlas facility hurt the revenues of MX? The stock sold off on this news but I note some insider buying also. What is your current assessment of this as an investment?
Q: A little while ago a member asked about gold and these 3 companies were mentioned by you as potential to purchase. Comparing the 3, it seems that BTO is quite a bit more attractive....a good yield at 5 % (AGI is less than 1% and KRR is nil); BTO has about 1/2 the P / E and somewhat better P / B. Can you elaborate why the other 2 could be considered over BTO . Thanks
Q: Good day guys ,
This story getting hit again .. is this a tax loss selling situation here? ..according to u guys there has been insider buying .. would u add here or still hold this frustrating name .
This story getting hit again .. is this a tax loss selling situation here? ..according to u guys there has been insider buying .. would u add here or still hold this frustrating name .
Q: Through a portfolio manager, I hold DYN253C in a non registered account. It's now 7% of my portfolio and is down 40%. Is it worth holding on to? (long term investor)
In the same account, I'm down by 80% on Terego. Is it a sell? The portfolio is otherwise diversified.
In the same account, I'm down by 80% on Terego. Is it a sell? The portfolio is otherwise diversified.