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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I look after a RESP and have IWO, VGRO, VGG and BN. The weight is 16% for each. Would you be comfortable adding to the ETF'S to a 20% weight or should I buy a ETF like XIC? If you have any suggestions of what I could buy for this account I appreciate your input! It will be 12 years before needed.

Read Answer Asked on January 16, 2024
Q: Hi 5i,
I'm hoping you can give me some advice respecting my grandson's RESP.
I've just drawn out $6300 for his winter semester, and accessed that cash by selling the last of the BCE i had held in the RESP.
The next draw out will be in September, for the same amount ($6300) and there is presently $4300 in cash in the account.
The present holdings are ENB, CM and POW in roughly equal proportions. Between now and September the dividend payments will yield enough cash - when added to the cash presently in the account - to cover the $6300 I'll need to draw out in September, so if I do nothing the cash needed for my grandson's fall semester will be sitting in the account when that time rolls around.
However, I don't like letting the $4300 presently sitting in cash in the RESP just languish there until that cash is needed in September and would like to put it to work until I need the cash in approximately 9 months' time.
Based on the above, can you offer your suggestions about what best to do with that relatively small amount of cash for 9 months? Put it into any or all of ENB, CM and POW to take out when necessary? Or is there something else you might recommend?
Thank you 5i!
Read Answer Asked by Peter on January 11, 2024
Q: RESP allocation for 10 & 12 year old kids is currently 100% in VEQT. If it were your account, at what ages would you consider transitioning to VGRO and then VBAL if money was required in 6-8 years. I realize there isn’t a right answer and purely subjective.
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on December 21, 2023
Q: I am looking to set up an RESP for grandchildren aged 8 and 6 with about $40k that will be added to annually. I am thinking of purchasing 8 stocks in roughly equal amounts - ISRG, CROX, GOOG, NVDA, BN, LMN, SMCI, HPS.A

Is 8 stocks too limiting and should I look at ETFs for some sectors or should this give the plan a good start and greater diversification can occur as the plan grows?

Anything you see here that raises a red flag or are there other stocks I should consider?

Appreciate your insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on December 15, 2023
Q: Daughters RESP (16) Nice Gain in Cameco considering Selling some and adding to BN,TD or buying BNS . or others ?? How much less risk do you estimate ?
Would rather not sit in Cash

Many Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Greg on December 12, 2023
Q: For a long term hold (15 years) in a RESP, would you prefer ZEB or ZWB and provide reasons why. Also any other suggestions would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by David on December 01, 2023
Q: We finally have an RESP for our grandchild.

Ready for first equity purchase starting with about $6000.

Looking for suggestions.

Read Answer Asked by Ron on November 24, 2023
Q: Hi, Northview Fund (NHF.UN) is doing a recapitalization transaction where the portfolio is being acquired and becoming a $2.7 billion tradional multi family REIT. The deemed transaction price is $15.06 and the stock has been drifting lower, I get that this can be sector specific, but this is not a well followed company, I am wondering if am I missing something on this transaction and why would this be drifting to the $7's. There is a share consolidation coming but I believe it is post transaction.
Read Answer Asked by bryan on July 24, 2023
Q: I hold the listed equities/ ETF in my 14 year old grandson's RESP account. Given thee current environment what changes would you make in preparation for the next 4 years? I consider HFR is cash available.

Woule you consider adding some US listings for diversification? Given some current thinking regarding the US dollar would it be wiser to add Cdn listed ETFs of US companies? . What would be the tax implications of adding US listed companies that do not pay a dividend? Any paperwork?

Thanks very much. Take whatever credits are needed.

are there any stocks in the account that you would replace?,

Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 29, 2023
Q: RESP with 5 years until first withdrawal. Currently only holding is VEQT and approx 30% cash. Looking for some stable compounder companies to sweeten the total return. Please suggest 8 ideas. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Richard on June 26, 2023
Q: Good afternoon,

I am starting a RESP for our grandsons: one born in 2021, the other born in 2023.

To maximize the CESG grant I contribute just over 2500$/year.

How would you suggest to invest the funds ? 2 or 3 index funds?
Would you include a NASDAQ -100 index fund such as XQQ, ZQQ or HXQ or even XIT (Canadian tech ETF)?

I would appreciate your guidance.
Kind Regards
Read Answer Asked by Elaine on April 26, 2023
Q: Hi,
Thanks for all your solid advice over the years as our kids RESP has done great. Our kids are currently grade 8 & 10. I have sold/ trimmed some of their holdings to create 10% cash (20k). I am planning to put the 20k into CASH.TO until I can find a RESP eligible GIC at a higher rate. How do you recommend I start unwind the portfolio? Create a percentage of cash each year? We will not be making any more contributions as we have now maximized the government grant.
Thanks a bunch,
Read Answer Asked by KERRI on April 21, 2023
Q: My Grandsons are 3 &1 old. They have 43% ZUT, 35% VFV, 21% ZWB and 0.9% their present RESP. I am looking for thoughts for the coming year deposit.
My thought are add to VFV (not enough now to reinvest),add a Reit ETF like TGRE or add an telecom ETF. I can not find a telecom ETF in Canada so maybe an alternative would be T.
All thoughts would be much appreciated.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by David on March 22, 2023
Q: Looking at the price performance of this name the decline appears to have started around the time an increase in interest rates was contemplated since when the price has halved and the yield gone from around five to about 10%. Listening to the conference call the recent shortfall appears to have been problems with their Prospect investment, against which management says they should receive some or all of the moneys owing, probably in '23, maybe '24, and that the future for their facilities are buoyant - not that anyone would fault management for championing their business. Over the years, and they have been almost all low rate years, their unit price has not dropped below 10, or 9 if you go back 20 years save for a brief interlude in ‘09, since which time they have presumably grown.

What has been your experience with other health care REITs and what outlook would you assign to the sector as well as for MPW
Read Answer Asked by Mike on March 01, 2023
Q: I have an RESP for my nephew who is in grade 12 now and attending a college in the fall. His parents are not great savers, and I don't have children, so I'm fine to subsidize his education. I currently hold only CDZ and TD in the RESP and would like to add some additional cash soon.

What's your advice on how to proceed? Do I add to one or both, or would I be better to invest in CASH or PSA.

Read Answer Asked by Robert on January 25, 2023
Q: Hi there. I am looking for a dividend growth company or ETF to add to our kids RESP with a 10 year time horizon. What do you recommend from the 5i Research universe to initiate a position in now. After the initial purchase, I intend to dollar cost average on an ongoing basis. I already have Telus, Abbvie, and BMO in two other accounts and those are my highest dividend payers.
Read Answer Asked by Zohreh on January 17, 2023