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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good morning and thanks for the role you fill in my investment decision making. I hold ECN.Pr.C (along with HPR and ZPR) and have for years. I have a decision to make regarding conversion. As I understand it I can do nothing and continue at a higher rate of return; convert to a floating rate and have it reset quarterly. Could you please confirm my choices along with your recommendation. Is this a buy and, if not, are there better alternatives? 3-5 year timeline.
Read Answer Asked by Bryan on June 07, 2022
Q: Hi,
I'm wondering about the new issue for convertible debentures from PBH - is this a good deal, given the interest rate, vs just buying the stock? I notice that the first interest payment won't be until Mar 2023, so a long time for the cash to sit idle. However the conversion price of 160.25 seems pretty good, given the stock closed today at 100.17. If the deal is a worthy one, then is it best to try to buy the new issue, or wait until after it closes to see how it settles? As always, your advice is much appreciated!

Read Answer Asked by Dawn on May 25, 2022
Q: I've been trying to figure out this inflation/interest rate mess as it relates to my RRSP. I dumped a bunch of low rate government strip bonds in January and I'm thinking of replacing them with these 3 preferreds. They're fixed-rate resets yielding in the 5 to 6% range. They are all below the recall price. I know that trade volumes are low. What do you think?
Read Answer Asked by DAVE on May 19, 2022
Q: Seems like there is some indiscriminate selling of rate reset prefs
last few days. Not sure this makes sense.
What are your three top rate reset ideas at the moment, that are NOT in the energy/pipeline sector
Read Answer Asked by john on May 10, 2022
Q: Hi Peter,
Do you see anything "funny" about this redeemable reset preferred?
Current price is $21.98. Resets on 2022-09-30. Resets at 5YR + 2.92%. Currently the reset is then 2.83% + 2.92% = 5.75%. If PPL didn't redeem then you'd get a dividend rate of 6.55% based on the @21.98 price. If they do redeem then you get a $3.02 gain for 5 months.
Do I have my facts correct or am I missing a detail or two?
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on May 03, 2022
Q: In regards to CPD or just pref's in general. They have sold off a lot over the past month. Fair to say they have priced rate increases in and are now forecasting a slowdown and rates going lower? Would a partial switch to a TLT-US make some sense here if that is the thesis?
Read Answer Asked by Michael on May 02, 2022
Q: In this article, the author favours the BEP Preferreds instead of the common shares. Would you agree?.....

Read Answer Asked by James on April 25, 2022
Q: An information circular I am reading says that shareholders will be asked to approve the creation of two new classes of shares, both Preferreds and that these shares will not be listed on the TSX (but will be subject to approval of the TSX).

How common is this, and how do they trade (how is value determined)?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on April 25, 2022
Q: I think I misunderstood your previous answers on ZPR to mean it was the better preferred ETF to be in considering it holds rate resets, which should go up as interest rates rise. However, your last answer indicated it holds significant long exposure preferreds, which would cause it to fall more heavily under the current environment?

To be clear, what is your best idea for a preferred ETF right now?
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on April 19, 2022
Q: Hi
I owned BIP.PR.D for a couple of years and liked the steady dividends. I am looking at a) another Brookfield preferred that is similar or
b) an ETF that has mostly rate reset bons with a decent dividend or
c) another preferred share from a stable company, like fortis, bce, telus, enb, trp, etc
I would like something that provides 5%, has at least 2 years shelf life. Is it possible to provide maybe 5 choices, ranked that meet the above criterion?
As always great, Len
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on April 05, 2022