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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: hello 5i:
according to TMX Money, insiders have bought, over the last 6 months, 254,360 shares; while not selling any. Even if the average buying price was $10, this is $2.5M worth of stock. What do they know, or see, that we don't? And why would the price have jumped over 2.8% on Wednesday, a day when the S and P was down? Disclosure, we do hold AQN and am thinking of selling and replace with something like ZWU, as we're more interested in income, with lower volatility. But, of course, we don't want to miss out on a higher price (on AQN). That may be a few questions; take as many credits as is needed to properly answer (we're not short on credits lol)
Paul L
Read Answer Asked by Paul on May 03, 2023
Q: It seems the world’s electrical grid is going to look a lot different in the future. All the talk is around digitization and decentralization, whereby DER’s (distributed energy resources) will add supply back into the grid (solar panels, generators, even EV’s) and the local utility will also be able to reduce demand remotely by adjusting your a/c, hot water tank etc. all enabled by smart meters/networks driven by the technology of the internet of things and AI. My question is do you have an idea who the capital light kind of tech companies are that are going to provide the services to all the Utilities out there to make this happen? It is already happening in few places on a small scale, but the addressable market going forward is mind boggling. I guess I would much sooner invest in the tech than the guys digging lithium out of the ground! Any info appreciated, thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on May 02, 2023
Q: Please provide your thoughts on how you would rank POU against ENB, SU, TRP, TOU, GXE and PXT for growth, holding for more than 5 years?
Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Roger on April 28, 2023