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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Can you please give me an update on PSD? Is it still a good buy?
Read Answer Asked by patricia on September 09, 2013
Q: I am a relative new member. First question asked. I hold Cenovus since oct 12 and am disappointed with the performance. With a high payout ratio and high P/E and low price, should I sell it if it continues to get back to my cost per share of $32+. Would HSE or Vermillion be a better oil play. Thank you for the service.
Read Answer Asked by Luke on September 08, 2013
Q: Would you be able to provide an opinion on BP (bp plc) and Transocean LTD (RIG) as growth and dividend stocks? Or are both too risky in the aftermath of the gulf disaster.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on September 08, 2013
Q: Spyglass (SGL)
George Armoyan has acquired abt. 5.2% of the float and is having himself installed on the BOD.
His MO is to acquire enough shares in a company to get control of the BOD and whip it into shape. Given his mixed track record of both successes and failures and limited (to my knowledge) experience in the Oil and NG industry do you view this as a positive or negative development?
Read Answer Asked by Richard on September 07, 2013
Q: Hi Peter.
Things are going well for this company so far, except for the technical difficulties experienced on their last well. Would you say that the market reaction has been overdone on the sell side and would one add to one's position at this point. Seems to be speculation that CNE could be taken over by Pacific Rubiales in 2014. What are your thoughts on this and where do you see the stock price a year from now. Thank you and have a good day.
Read Answer Asked by Jean on September 06, 2013
Q: hey Peter,

PRY has commented that they should be FCF positive in 2 quarters from now. would you look at this as a value play or is there better options in PPY or LEG? Cheers.
Read Answer Asked by william on September 04, 2013
Q: Hi Peter & Team,

I am holding TOL and NGL for takeover possibility. Do you think any of these is worth holding for this reason. TOL is doing fine as it is up but NGL is down about 15% since I bought. I looked the CPS for both and they look pretty good. What do you think?
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on September 04, 2013
Q: Hi Peter and Team, I would appreciate your thoughts and opinions on the definitive agreement Novus, NVS, has entered into before the markets open. Sell when they begin trading again? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Hussein on September 04, 2013
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

Your thoughts on Raging River Exploration (RRX) would be much appreciated. Many pundits on local tv suggest a dividend is in the near future. I know how much Peter loves when a company declares it's first ever div. Am i okay to add to my position at current levels or should I wait for a pullback? If you believe a div is in the near future, any idea how much it would pay ?
Also, any chance somewhat buys them out ? if so, who is a likely suitor?
Many thanks, as always.
Read Answer Asked by Scott on September 03, 2013