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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello. Can I please have your top Cdn or U.S. energy stock choices. Could you please compare them and advise if you have a preference or rank them accordingly with an explanation for a 3 week hold. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Lorraine on October 27, 2023
Q: Hello. I am looking at getting exposure in utilities. Could you please provide me with some ETF's - U.S. or Cdn? or stocks? Please rank them as well.
What is considered a reasonable management fee for ETF's?

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Lorraine on October 26, 2023
Q: Peter; Today, Oct.26, the PBO announced that a windfall tax would raise about $4B. Could this be why the oil sector is weaker? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Rodney on October 26, 2023
Q: Hi 5i!

I'm looking to reblance my portfolio and would like to take advantages of actual opportunities. I dont have any utilities and energy stocks. Also, I would like to increase my investments into large caps. Which stocks would you recommand? Growth / bakanced oriented.

For utilities, i noticed the drop on bip.un and bep.un but i already own bn. Would you buy of them or just add to bn... or buy something else for better diversification.

Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Francois on October 26, 2023
Q: The other day a member asked about utility companies being takeover candidates and you closed your answer by saying:

"Companies we think would prefer stock deals and may be loathe to add more debt right now. But, AQN, ALA, TA, RNW, CPX and INE are probably getting a little antsy right now about overtures."

I am not sure how to interpret the "getting antsy" reference; are you saying these companies could potentially be subject to a takeover? If so, most of the time that would be a good thing but are you thinking that these companies are in bad shape and would be forced into a distressed (low ball) sale? Thanks much for your excellent service.

Read Answer Asked by Leonard on October 24, 2023
Q: Hi Guys,

I'm looking at a couple of smaller oil and gas companies and wanted to get your thoughts. i3 Energy and Gear Energy. Both of them got into a little trouble this year when they implemented a unstainable dividend. Their dividends have been dropped to a sustainable level, but both of their share prices took a pretty good hit for that. However it looks like they have good cash flow, both are paying down debt, and they seem to have pretty good land packages. I was thinking with all the cash floating around the oil patch right now, both would be pretty good takeout targets. Curious on your thoughts and if they would be a good hold.

Read Answer Asked by john on October 24, 2023
Q: hi folks, thoughts on Tamarak sale of non-core assets for $123M, and update on record Sept production 70,000 boed, etc....I know a fav of 5i (thanks, full position)...while another analyst said Sell at $3.50 (said paid to much for Delta??)....anyway, that is why I am a long time, happy customer of 5i...not every pick/suggestion can be a winner...but portfolio has never been better since became a 5i customer...merci beaucoup, jb Piedmont QC
Read Answer Asked by John on October 22, 2023