Q: Hello Peter & team,
I already have 10% of my portfolio in O & G stock and do not wish to go higher. In this context do you consider cfw,tcw frc ses, pd & tdg in the same group or is their movement pattern different? Any reason why the are up/flat today while O & G
stocks are significantly down?
If Oil & Gas stays at $80/85 & < $4 respectively, will demand for their services decline? Would PD & TDG suffer more than the other 4 with prices as above? Finally considering that they are still down 30% from peak would you consider any of them worth
buying & if so your preference or any other similar stock that
you like?
Thank you for your guidance.
I already have 10% of my portfolio in O & G stock and do not wish to go higher. In this context do you consider cfw,tcw frc ses, pd & tdg in the same group or is their movement pattern different? Any reason why the are up/flat today while O & G
stocks are significantly down?
If Oil & Gas stays at $80/85 & < $4 respectively, will demand for their services decline? Would PD & TDG suffer more than the other 4 with prices as above? Finally considering that they are still down 30% from peak would you consider any of them worth
buying & if so your preference or any other similar stock that
you like?
Thank you for your guidance.