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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Cathedral Energy Services (CET) and Enterprise Group (E)

The above two companies are two very small contrarian bets on a recovery in the energy market within my portfolio that are becoming smaller everyday. I am looking at consolidating the two holdings into a single one. Cathedral seems to have smart management, communicates well with its shareholders and is working on managing their balance sheet during the downturn. On the other hand, Enterprise has had some recent "C" suite insider buying. Should I maintain both positions, or consolidate into one? If I consolidate into one, which one do you like better and why?

Read Answer Asked by WAYNE on May 26, 2016
Q: i own 25000 shares of pmi. should i sell the stock after the dividend or is there a future for this stock. my cost is 15 cents thanks bill
Read Answer Asked by William on May 24, 2016
Q: RE: Spyglass Resources and Parallel Energy Trust. Both of these small oil and gas producers appear to be in receivership, but news of their current status is hard to come by. Do you have any Idea if there is a possibility of any recovery for investors? Spyglass resources has been relisted as SGLRF I believe.
Read Answer Asked by John on May 24, 2016
Q: Could you name some companies that will benefit from Transmountain pipeline
Read Answer Asked by terrance on May 24, 2016
Q: Good morning,

I understand that AMLP.US ETF that tracks the performance of a basket of energy infrastructure - oriented master LPs. Assuming that the oil prices will be up from here in 5 years and given that this etf currently pays out approximately 9% dividend, I would be interested to hear your view regarding the suitability of this etf in a RRSP in terms of downside risk and dividend sustainability. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Francesco on May 24, 2016
Q: I read with interest your recent article in the Post and was intrigued by the comment that research shows 90% of portfolio returns come from sector allocation - if a person wanted to take advantage of that, in a simple, easy to manage and inexpensive way (ignoring taxes for the moment) what would be your view be on an approach where one's equity component of their portfolio consisted entirely of a number of ETF's with each one of the ETF's focused on a particular sector, with a periodic (say quarterly) rebalancing? What specific ETF's would you suggest for such a portfolio? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by RICHARD on May 20, 2016
Q: I bought Painted Pony when it was around $4.50. So I am up on this investment. Is Raging River a more compelling stock for growth? Should I sell PPY and buy RRX. Should I hold long term on PPY? Or should I sell and go inot an entirely different energy stock? I view myself as a long term investor and want to hold stock for 5 to 10 years and hopefully watch them grow.
Read Answer Asked by Grant on May 19, 2016
Q: Swift Energy is a name I purchased on the OTC market ( It went through a bankruptcy proceeding and equity holders came away with equity and warrants. I can't find where the equity and warrants are trading now. Can you assist? Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by CAMERON on May 18, 2016
Q: Peter and team:
I have an account that is not balanced and is basically a speculation account (a small portion of my overall portfolio).

In this account I am down significantly on BDI and PD as I got in to them when Oil was near it's peak.

I was wondering if it would be best to sit on them both and wait it out or perhaps bail and get in to a junior oil company that stands to "pop" if/when oil rebounds. I was thinking of RRX.

Or perhaps there is an aggressive growth company you might suggest that potentially could help re-coup some of my losses???


Read Answer Asked by Phil on May 15, 2016