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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: From what I can gather, the Oil Supply/Demand Gap is supposed to come in line sometime late Q2 or sometime in Q3. At these levels RRX looks very attractive. The have a strong balance sheet with little debt.

Obviously pullbacks are hard to predict. That being said, do you think its reasonable that we'll observe sub $50 prices with news today of a record amount of speculative long positions in Oil?

There is a lot of concern whether a border tax (if implemented) would either exempt Canadian Energy companies.

Read Answer Asked by Geoff on February 07, 2017
Q: I'm looking to diversify my portfolio by adding some US oil & gas companies, specifically EOG Resources, Range Resources or Chesapeake. Could I get your views on these and which order you would rank them for buying now (I know your coverage is for Cdn stocks so appreciate any thoughts you can provide!).
Read Answer Asked by Dan on February 06, 2017
Q: Hello Peter,
I am currently underweight commodities and overweight technology. What would you think of selling DSG and ENGH and buying TOG and RRX? Do you think whatever incremental return expected by this change would justify the increase in volatility and risk?
Also, what are the approx wait times in terms of weeks for a portfolio review?
Read Answer Asked by Rajiv on February 06, 2017
Q: I'm considering Suncor or CNRL for a long term hold. Could you please discuss the merits of each with an eye to exposure to impact from potential Trump decisions. Which would you buy today and is there another company in this space I should consider (I also have ENB,VET and RRX)?
Thanks for the great service!
Read Answer Asked by Warren on February 06, 2017
Q: Hi everyone,

What oil company would you choose to take advantage of possible higher oil prices in the near future (in case of confrontation with Iran) while avoiding possible border tax proposals against Canadian oil? Would you choose smaller Canadian or US large cap? Which one do you think would be a safer bet SPE or SGY? Or would you recommend something with even better MANAGEMENT like VET with operations outside Canada? Or do you prefer a US company with better growth?

Thank you in advance for your promptness and insights.
Read Answer Asked by Saeed on February 06, 2017
Q: Hi Peter, I am 78% down on RMP as i bought it in 2015. What do you think would be the natural gas outlook going forward 3 years? Should i just keep holding it for next 3 years? As there is not much risk on the balance sheet. can the stock go higher if even nautal gas prices does not go up? What is the analyst estimate on bloomberg? What is the future eps or cashflow growth prohection? Much appreciated!!
Read Answer Asked by Sridip on February 03, 2017
Q: Cdn energy stocks have recently sold off much more than oil largely due to concerns of a potential Trump border tax. What probability would you give this of actually occurring and do you believe the current sell-off already reflects the potential risk? Further, pipelines have declined significantly in recent days as well. Could they also be subjected to or impacted by a border tax and is this likely the reason for the recent decline? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Gary on February 02, 2017