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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: The above companies are on my watch list. Valuations have come off a lot this year and I think there is an opportunity. Which of these do you see the most potential in?


Read Answer Asked by Chris on March 24, 2017
Q: Hi Peter, I do not have any energy in my portfolio of a 1mill portfolio, like divs, practically all my stocks, Reits, etfs pay divs. Have been looking at the above ones and would like ask you to rank them by safety of div and growth. Will appreciate your advise, as to oil prices(??),perhaps a better choice. Many thanks. J.A. P. Burlington
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on March 22, 2017
Q: Their latest annual report really impressed me, significant inroads made into reducing debt, and truly no debt to deal with until 2020. Should they maintain earnings, or even grow slightly, they seem really undervalued. I know the Orange Capital share overhang issue held them back now, but do you know why there is this lack of interest in shares now? I would have expected a huge increase with today's announcement. Is the NYSE de-listing that large of a concern? Just having trouble understanding why this isn't a strong buy right now.
Read Answer Asked by Tim on March 20, 2017
Q: I hold these energy stocks in the following percentages 5%FRU and 2% each of the others in a non-reg. acct. I plan to keep FRU and am considering selling one of the other 3 (all down about 30%). The question is am I premature in selling, or would it be prudent to wait for a bit more of a rebound, or, if selling which one would you suggest. I am a retired income oriented investor and would probably re-invest in a different sector. Thanks,
Read Answer Asked by John on March 20, 2017
Q: I am helping to invest money for my thirty-year-old daughter into her TFSA and RRSP accounts. These investments should be considered as retirement assets so there is a very long time frame here. I am wondering between choosing RRX and VET for part of her energy portion (WCP will likely form the other half of her investment in this sector). Personally, I like the dividend and outlook that VET brings but being older, I am prone to viewing things from a more conservative perspective. However, would RRX have more potential to provide the longer term gains she is looking for?

Appreciate your insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on March 17, 2017