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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi there,

I am in a losing position with Cardinal on what is a small level of energy exposure in my portfolio. Do you think the dividend is safe or ripe for a cut? Also, the name has fallen considerably more than RRX, WCP etc. I understand that they have more heavy oil production which may weigh on the stock. If I wished to maintain energy exposure would you suggest switching to a different producer? If so, who? I also own Spartan.
Read Answer Asked by Tim on July 21, 2017
Q: Morning-I am a retiree whom is dependent on monthly income to survive.I have 60K to invest in my cash account hoping to create some income. I am thinking of T,BNS,and ENB (alternating 4% monthly returns)...or would 5i think that monthly incomes from CSH.UN , AD and EIF (better tax break) be an OK strategy. I have both BE and Income portfolios covered in registered accounts , full up in TFSA ... what to do with cash??? Thanks for all you do.
Read Answer Asked by Alan on July 21, 2017
Q: Without regard for sector diversification and/or weight - If I needed to raise some cash in my portfolio, and wanted to sell some of my losers...which of these names would you sell in order of priority. Could you kindly provide rationale for why you might sell vs. hold. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on July 21, 2017
Q: I am retired living off my income from dividends.
I am down approx. 30% in each of these energy stocks. I am considering averaging down in WCP, TOG and CPG. I am aware that I am betting on O&G recovering somewhat, but the prices look attractive. Can you rate from best to worst? Are there any red flags on the balance sheets of the three?
I am considering selling HSE as they cut the dividend. Would you recommend I put the proceeds into the best of the other 3? Or invest in a more stable integrated such as SU?
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on July 10, 2017
Q: The recent merger of these two companies has condensed riddells holdings of TET under one umbrella now.Along with the purchase of apache properties this is an interesting transaction done near the lows of oil market prices.Whats your take on the longer term potential results of this transaction and would you purchase a full position at current prices.? txs adam
Read Answer Asked by adam on July 10, 2017