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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Happy new years to you guys at 5iresearch!!! I hold positions in all of these and they have been dogs for about a year now. I am a fairly long term investor and I am wondering when I am going to see some up side to these as the oil sector seems to be recovering. Or would you suggest to let them go? Thanks for your time
Read Answer Asked by christopher on January 08, 2018
Q: I see PEY is down 5% this morning and I am looking for your opinion on it as a long term hold. I have a full position in PEY (showing a big loss) and was expecting to see it bounce back somewhat in the New Year with tax loss selling off the table. I have always confidently felt PEY was a best in class NG producer with low production costs and strong management. Is it being taken to the woodshed strictly based on investors hating the sector or is there something specific about PEY making investors nervous? Am I wrong to be losing confidence in this investment?
Read Answer Asked by Morgan on January 05, 2018
Q: Can you recommend a natural gas producer. Prefer in Canada and does not utilize fracking to extract the gas due to the negative views and risk of laws coming in to prevent it. As well a company that refines the natural gas and another that transports it. The best in each sector unless one does all three.
Read Answer Asked by Tim on January 05, 2018
Q: There has been a lot of insider buying lately in ECN. Is this normal after loss tax selling. Is the company buying back shares. ( PGF )is the investor Schuller still involved in company I believed he had purchased 90 million or so shares and please provide update on PGF.Are they starting to recover. Does PGF have light oil assets?
Read Answer Asked by Guy on December 29, 2017
Q: My "loss leaders" are CPG and ERF. My gainers are SU, HSE and CNQ. (Because of the entry prices) Should I sell my "losers" CPG/ERF and plough the proceeds in SU/CNQ? Or simply hold them till the recovery in the sector takes place? Or buy HWO which I own which is in slightly positive territory? Or any other company that you would suggest in the Oil/Gas sector? Like the pipelines.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on December 28, 2017