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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Mullen Group reported results today and they are what they are. I watched the CEO on BNN today and did not find his interview “warm and fuzzy”. Actually I found he was bitter and he blamed the government and economic influences beyond his control for the company results. I came away thinking if the CEO doesn’t think positively of the future then it’s time to exit my holdings and move on.
Am I way off the mark? Would appreciate your advice.
Thanks John
Read Answer Asked by John on October 26, 2018
Q: You commented earlier that the mkt may not like the earnings miss, thus the pressure on the stock.
I was under the impression oil/gas stocks are valued on a cash flow basis. Vet cash flow improved this Q.
None the less Vet seems to be going out of business , my only hope may be that they
sign a deal to grow cannabis
Read Answer Asked by Leon on October 25, 2018