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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Group if you were to pick an energy name from Pipelines,NG+ Oil companies with a focus on + (Least risk for highest return) who would you go with ?- ok to mention several possibilities

Presently I am retired and have no significant exposure to this sector. Dividend / growth are important factors

Read Answer Asked by Terence on February 25, 2019
Q: My question is to do with more general knowledge of the products available, especially in some ETF's. My question is regarding Hedged to Canadian ETFs. When they say "Hedged", does that mean the Canadian Dollar is Hedged to the US $ in both directions, up and down? In effect, does the Canadian dollar become a US $? We would then not get the benefit from a Canadian $ that is dropping in relation to the US$, nor would a rise in the Canadian $ in relation to the US$ hurt us?

I hope you understand my meaning in this question and I thank you for your answer.
Read Answer Asked by Alex on February 21, 2019
Q: Recently you stated "We find it a bit interesting today. Management is under the gun to show it did the right thing by fighting the HSE takeover attempt. " My impression of the CEO interview on BNN last Friday was they are focusing on debt reduction with no intention of production increase. I'm pretty sure your not "a bit interested" because you expect a jump in the price of oil , management has indicated no production increase, I'm curious as to your rationale here?
Read Answer Asked by Charles on February 20, 2019
Q: I bought WCP at the end of December for "bounce" factor at $4, and still hold. It has come up significantly this week. Is there some fundamental reason for this? In other words, does it have the potential to stay over $5 longer term? I'm wondering whether to continue to hold long term or sell and take the short-term gain, as was my original intention.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on February 20, 2019
Q: This may be of interest to some members:
Read Answer Asked by Ronald on February 19, 2019