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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello. Which of these do you prefer, and why? (Or do you prefer another large-cap Canadian oil company?) Can you tell me which has the strongest balance sheet, and the safest dividend? Also, I was going to buy them on a US exchange with US currency. I assume the dividend will be paid in US dollars, and I will still be eligible for the Canadian dividend tax credit, correct? Thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on August 20, 2019
Q: I am wanting to buy some mid cap Canadian energy companies, preferably with a good dividend. I am looking for ones with strong balance sheets that could ride out the poor prices, decent reserves, etc. What would you recommend? I am thinking about VET (but will the dividend get cut?), ARX, WCP, and on the smaller side, CJ. Also, for non-dividend, I am considering MEG, ATH, BTE, and CPG (very small dividend). I would appreciate your thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on August 20, 2019
Q: I noticed that SU and ENB were mentioned by your team as safe in capital preservation and dividends. Some analysts do point out that ENB has a high debt and therefore they conclude it is not as safe. Is this correct ?. In terms of safety, and long term investment (at least 5 years) which one would you preffer ?
Would you allocate 5% to each in a conservative porfolio ?, or less than 5% ?,
Read Answer Asked by Alejandro (Alex) on August 20, 2019
Q: Hi 5i-
Given the current state of energy sector and especially the oil companies in Canada what is the likely possibility that a company like Torc oil and gas could/would go bankrupt. Is this possibility something that is also influenced by a low share price. (I remember Teck Resources stock falling very low during 2015/2016 and heard talk of this, but later 2016 the stock recovered.)
Currently long term holder of Tog but down -75% thinking about averaging down but would value your opinion on this or better to sell and move on. There are no tax advantages as in an rrsp from many years ago.
Read Answer Asked by jim on August 16, 2019
Q: What is your view of Peyto today, its still making money and the monthly report from the CEO Darren Gee for July 2019 puts a value of the shares at over $20.00.(Tangible Infrastructure $8.20/share + Reserves $27.07/share - total Debt $7.21/share). But here we are today it went below $3 for the first time. What happens if it stays below $3, do any mutual funds or ETF's have to sell?
Read Answer Asked by George on August 16, 2019
Q: I noticed in the news that the Koch brothers have just sold their interests in the Alberta oil sands. And it was a Canadian company who bought them. I find it a worrying sign that so many foreign companies have sold. It could be I suppose because they see more interesting plays elsewhere. But one would think that the Canadian companies who bought might see those same opportunities and put their money there. I would appreciate hearing your opinion on this, if it falls within your mandate.
Thanks as always for the great service you offer
Read Answer Asked by joseph on August 16, 2019
Q: Hello Can I get your analysis on NextEra. It seems to be comparable to Bep.un which I hold, but bigger. I am looking at this for a long term investment. If you think this is a worthwhile investment, would there be a particular time of year to buy or just jump in and slowly accumulate to 5% weighting? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by pietro on August 14, 2019