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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi, I am down $18,433 on Baytex energy on 1000 sh bought over 16 years ago. (yeah I know stop loss) Yes, there is no need to sell it but I would appreciate A professional opinion on this sector.
Canada is in a very difficult place and we are being squeezed from many sides and in many ways. In this sector what do you recommend, to actually make money in the next 1- year. Thanks James PS I have been patient long enough.
Read Answer Asked by JAMES on March 11, 2020
Q: Are you aware of any research that provides detailed analysis regarding oil patch exposure of the big 5 banks?
Read Answer Asked by Tom on March 11, 2020
Q: Hi can you please explain what the prospectus filing on March 6/2020 for OVV means, they will be selling common shares and securities? Reading some of the Sedar's filings but not totally clear to me, does this mean they are delisting the stock or just selling their portion of shareholder equity (shares and debt)?

I own these shares in a TFSA and Canadian non-registered account, would there be tax implications?

Read Answer Asked by Kim on March 11, 2020
Q: The above pipeline companies are still declining. With declining interest rates I might have expected them to recover at least somewhat after the recent sharp declines. What is your perspective on these continuing price declines? Do you think the dividends are reasonably secure?
Read Answer Asked by JAMES on March 10, 2020
Q: Good Evening
I own both IPL and PPL
I understand that the drop in oil prices is causing stocks like Vermillion and Whitecap to plummet. However, I am very surprised with the 23% drop in IPL, and PPL.
Can you please provide some explanation as to why there was such a huge drop in the prices of IPL and PPL today? After all these companies are not oil producers.
I will also appreciate it if you could provide some insight whether it is now time to average down on IPL and PPL , hold them or sell them.
I will appreciate your comments. Please deduct two credits.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on March 10, 2020