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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Can you tell me which stock is currently cheaper to buy and the price metric you rely on: Birchcliff or Keyera? I would like to get exposure to natural gas sector and based on Q&A these two companies seem to be your current favourites. Are there other significant differences between the two to factor in? thanks again - John C
Read Answer Asked by john on January 15, 2021
Q: EMA and FTS are both trading below their 200 dma and at their support prices.
Is there anything fundamentally wrong with either company to account for the drop? Or is money just rotating out of utilities?
I have 1/2 position in each and am thinking to add to them on this dip.
Would you suggest to add now at these prices? Or wait for them to turn up and over the 200 dma as they may just drop further?
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on January 14, 2021
Q: Hi,

I own Parex and I saw that earlier this week they announced share repurchases of another 10% of their float in addition to the 10% purchased last year.

What do you think of share repurchases instead of instituting a dividend? Which do you prefer? Are share repurchases a good use of capital?

Read Answer Asked by Jason on January 14, 2021
Q: My holdings in these two companies have grown substantially even though I recently sold a bit of NPI. Given that I think the sector has a very strong future, I am loathe to sell too much even though you'd say I am still overweight the sector (13%, not including other utilities like FTS).

Does it make sense to move some of my holdings into AQN, or would you really prefer to advise me not to let the holdings in this sector get too big?

Thanks for all your help.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on January 12, 2021
Q: I am looking to increase my oil/gas exposure. of the 3 companies on the 5i porfolios, which would you recommend in terms of valuation and potential for growth? If you have any other suggestions please send them.
thanks for your help
Read Answer Asked by Mary on January 11, 2021
Q: Hi Team,
A belated Happy New Year.
Would you please suggest some US$ based as well C$ based ETFs with a focus in AI and renewable energies.
Read Answer Asked by Harry on January 08, 2021
Q: I own ENB, FTS, and TRP but think I should position more into green/clean /renewable type energy companies. I do own AQN which I believe fits into the clean/renewable category. So I am thinking to sell one of ENB, FTS or TRP and replace it with a greener alternative. So which one would you sell and what would you buy to replace it with(can you provide more than one option)?
I would like to just take a moment to thank you all at 5i who have such a huge positive impact on my investing. Over the last few years, since signing up, you have given me so much more confidence in my ability to manage my own affairs. You are the perfect resource. There to lean on, answer my questions and point me in new directions and to new opportunities.
Read Answer Asked by David on January 08, 2021
Q: Hi 5i:

Great advice in2020! Wonderful service. I currently hold KL and ABX at @ 2.5% of portfolio. Looking to add a junior producer to increase my weighting. Which would you prefer from EQX, WDO and BTO and what advantage would it have over the other choices? In addition, having done well with TOU (2%), I would like to add to my gas position. My choice is ARX. Advice or other suggestions please. Existing positions and new purchases would be in TFSA. Please deduct form question credits as appropriate.

To staff and families at 5i - be safe and stay well and thank you.


Read Answer Asked by Tom on January 06, 2021
Q: Would you recommend ATCO for a 3 to 5 year hold or would Fortis or Emera be a better choice? Also, why has ATCO gone down so much in the past 6 months.

Read Answer Asked by David Michael on January 06, 2021