Q: Currently this fund makes up approximately 21% of my portfolio and is my only diversified holding. It at 7.6% yield makes up 40% of my monthly income and pension makes up balance.The mer.is 1.05% and of course a good % of yield is roc. Would you suggest any better alternative or ? Thanks Larry
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
BMO Low Volatility Canadian Equity Fund (ZLB)
iShares Core S&P/TSX Capped Composite Index ETF (XIC)
iShares S&P/TSX Global Base Metals Index ETF (XBM)
Vanguard Balanced ETF Portfolio (VBAL)
iShares Core 40/60 Moderate Allocation ETF (AOM)
Q: Hi,
I’m trying to help my friend organize her investments. She has minimal understanding of investments securities and had to move her pension to LIRA and RRSP 15 years and told Canada Life mutual funds that she was conservative profile. Fast forward 15 years her mutual funds have made her minimal money with back ended fees. The funds range in MERS from 1.6% to 2.5%. In looking at her holdings the portfolio make up is approximately
Fixed income - 22%, Balanced income %11, Cnd equity 62%, resources/specialty -2%. Retirement is still 10-15 years away. (Her husband has a pension)What ETF’s would match this asset mix to help get her started independently and move away from the high fees? I was thinking VBAL … But it is conservative. Any suggestions would be great to provide choice on where to invest her money. Please take as many credits as you want.
Thanks so much!
I’m trying to help my friend organize her investments. She has minimal understanding of investments securities and had to move her pension to LIRA and RRSP 15 years and told Canada Life mutual funds that she was conservative profile. Fast forward 15 years her mutual funds have made her minimal money with back ended fees. The funds range in MERS from 1.6% to 2.5%. In looking at her holdings the portfolio make up is approximately
Fixed income - 22%, Balanced income %11, Cnd equity 62%, resources/specialty -2%. Retirement is still 10-15 years away. (Her husband has a pension)What ETF’s would match this asset mix to help get her started independently and move away from the high fees? I was thinking VBAL … But it is conservative. Any suggestions would be great to provide choice on where to invest her money. Please take as many credits as you want.
Thanks so much!
Q: This fund has been recommended to me and would love your feedback.
Q: Are margin requirements the same for Mutual funds versus ETF s ?
Example FID Gobal Innovators Fund versus the ETF.
Example FID Gobal Innovators Fund versus the ETF.
Q: What is the difference or implication buying Global Innovators mutual fund versus buying Global Innovators mutual fund?
Q: in general do you favour etfs or mutaul funds for a sector investment?
Q: I am in a quandary on what to do with esb shares that I have. I don't understand how the underlying stocks have doubled but the unit value of esb has FINALLY gotten up to a point where they are paying $.10 a share. I have no idea why the nav has taken so long to get to over $5.00. I fear that the shares will not hold their value, my cost is $.80, thinking about selling and buying some mid cap oils, like tve or bte, what are your thoughts
Q: Hi.
Looking to replace RBC 2025 retirement portfolio fund with an ETF in my RRSP. what do you suggest? I won't need the money for 8 or more years.
Looking to replace RBC 2025 retirement portfolio fund with an ETF in my RRSP. what do you suggest? I won't need the money for 8 or more years.
Q: As per your answer to Garth on April 15, explaining the return of capital scenario.Would you please tell me how you would rank CIG 447.Thanks Larry
Q: why is the management fee so much more expensive for Canadian ETF's?
XEG at 0.6%
XLE at 0.09%
similar with XIU vs SPY as another example.
XEG at 0.6%
XLE at 0.09%
similar with XIU vs SPY as another example.
iShares S&P/TSX 60 Index ETF (XIU)
Vanguard FTSE Developed All Cap ex North America Index ETF (VIU)
Vanguard Conservative ETF Portfolio (VCNS)
Vanguard Balanced ETF Portfolio (VBAL)
Q: I am helping my in-laws take ownership of their investments. Presently, they have the majority of their funds managed by banks/'financial advisors' in high fee mutual funds. What is your opinion of the following funds and can you offer equivalent low-cost ETF solutions? RBF209, RBF269, RBF272, Invesco Global Select Equity Series P
Q: Name the top 5 mutual funds you would recommend for strong growth with high roi
Q: Your take please. Happen to be checking out Ci direct investing asset management for a managed portfolio. They have declining management fee starting at .6% On the first 150k and so on 500k it would be .4%.and if you chose the balanced portfolio you would get the portfolio fund mentioned above. This would be at an expense of an additional 2.92% for the Nicola core portfolio fund. Can this make any sense if a person wanted a legacy portfolio. Your valued opinion please and any advice on a better alternative? Basically do you think this fund is worth it? Tks Larry
Q: Hi, your opinion for RBF- 620 series F of RBC
Jean Guy
Jean Guy
Q: Regarding Harry’s question from Feb 8, Fidelity has an ETF version of this Fund - FCGC
Q: I like using the top ten holding of mutual funds as a guide to find other investment ideas. Can you share a list of the to performing mutual funds over the last 5 and 10 year periods in Canada and the US that focus on the small and mid cap space?
Fidelity Greater Canada Fund Series F (FID1646)
AGF Global Select Fund Series F (AGF808)
Mackenzie Global Environmental Equity Fund F (MFC5786)
Manulife Yield Opportunities Fund Series F (MMF4624)
Manulife U.S. Monthly High Income Fund Ser F (MMF4638)
Manulife Monthly High Income Fund Series F (MMF683)
Q: Would you be able to provide me with suggested EFT equivalent (or similar) to these Mutual Funds?
Q: Hi 5i,
Could you recommend a replacement for this mutual fund; ideally something that gives some exposure to outside NAM markets with some income distribution. If this mutual fund is the best alternative, please feel free to let me know. I held this for few several years; and only up 8% total with no income generation.
Could you recommend a replacement for this mutual fund; ideally something that gives some exposure to outside NAM markets with some income distribution. If this mutual fund is the best alternative, please feel free to let me know. I held this for few several years; and only up 8% total with no income generation.
Q: 5i opinion on MAW220 please. 8-10yr hold. It is in an employer-sponsored RSP thus not easily exchangeable for an ETF.
Thank you
Thank you
Vanguard FTSE Developed All Cap ex North America Index ETF (VIU)
Mawer International Equity Fund Series A (MAW102)
Q: I have held Mawer 102 for many years and would appreciate your thoughts on this fund and if you would suggest something International that may do better this the fund. Thank you as always. Barbara