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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Peter and welcome to Ryan ... the new income portfolio is 90% complete and I , as many members, are excited about this new investment vehicle. My question is this, will the portfolio be best applied to a cash account (tax purposes), an RRSP (protected growth), an LIF or an TFSA. Thanks for all your hard work.

Read Answer Asked by Alan on March 06, 2014
Q: Just a quick question. Since your model portfolio is up substantially would you recommend that at this time that I follow the portfolio and invest $100,000.00 today using the aforesaid model portfolio. Thanks

Mike Walker
Read Answer Asked by michael on March 06, 2014
Q: Wow...what good returns YTD at end of February 2014. All resulting from sound analysis.......Tom M
Read Answer Asked by Tom on March 03, 2014
Q: I have a large part of the model portfolio but am still missing CSS, ENB, FSV, G, IPL, SYZ , TOU, VRX, WPK. I can add 2 more at this time , what would you recommend?

Read Answer Asked by John on March 03, 2014
Q: Dear Peter and team -
Request you to please recommend a model portfolio (ETF or Mutual Fund) for a 2021 RESP account. Thanks a lot.
Read Answer Asked by Lokesh on March 02, 2014
Q: CSS-TSX Contrans Group .What is your outlook on the company-is it fairly valued
Read Answer Asked by dalene on February 27, 2014
Q: Peter, I am new to 5iR but have subscribed to the Moneysaver for ages. How should I use your model portfolio? should I invest in all the recomended stocks at once for diversification or just pick the individual stocks that I like?
Ron P.
Read Answer Asked by Ronald on February 26, 2014
Q: You gave a great answer on why winpak declared a one dollar special rather than raising the dividend, my question is why you would want to have a company like that in your model portfolio, it seems like they are just self serving. Dave
Read Answer Asked by david on February 24, 2014