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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have a certain amount of money to invest and want to take advantage of the diversification of both portfolios.

Save for the repeated companies, do you suggest a 50 - 50 split between the two or should we put more in the equity portfolio versus the fixed income. I was thinking of investing 50k with 40k going toward the equity and 10k to the fixed income.
Read Answer Asked by Gregory on April 01, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

Thanks for the new income portfolio and updates to the equity portfolio.

I'd like to take positions in the income portfolio and already own the highest rated stocks in the 5i equity portfolio, with a few others you've recommended, in my equity portfolio.

What do you advise if I own, say BNS, which is in the 5i equity portfolio and wish to add the new picks from the income portfolio - double up on BNS or just not buy it for the income portfolio?

Also, you made a few changes to the equity portfolio. That implies you're advising members to sell the stocks that were dropped and replace them with the new ones. Have you lost faith in the dropped companies or is this a rotation of some kind?

Thank you. Michael
Read Answer Asked by Michael on April 01, 2014
Q: I have invested in your model portfolio and now want to also put 20% in your income portfolio. But since there's overlap in many of the companies I'm not sure how to figure out the allocation.
Read Answer Asked by Carla on April 01, 2014
Q: peter, I am curious as to why you will not do a growth portfolio. your equity portfolio is fantastic but your income portfolio with targeted returns of 5-7 per cent would I think have little interest to most of your subscribers unless you are retired. even though I am retired i still have zero interest in the income portfolio but a growth portfolio would be something I think a majority of your subscribers would want, especially the subscribers under 50. will you do a growth portfolio. dave
Read Answer Asked by david on April 01, 2014
Q: Can not find the income portfolio that was to be posted on the weekend. Was it done?
Read Answer Asked by michael on March 31, 2014
Q: Good morning team; in view of this mornings announcement re Entwisle stepping down. what is your opinion of telus going forward.I am currently overweight and am planning on selling some in the near future.Should I pull the trigger now or place a covered call order? keep up the great work thanx for your answer
Read Answer Asked by rick on March 31, 2014
Q: I would like to balance my stock portfolio by sector. I notice that your model portfolio doesn't identify the sector to which each stock belongs. Would it be possible to add this information? If not what would be the best place to get this information for stocks? Finally, how many sectors should a balanced stock portfolio comprise?
Read Answer Asked by Jacqueline on March 29, 2014
Q: hello 5i:
you'd previously advised you were waiting for a quarterly update on March 21. This has come and gone, and I'm just wondering where things are at with this. thanks for the great service, not quite sure how I ever managed without it.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on March 28, 2014
Q: where are you in regard to that dividend portfolio??
Read Answer Asked by Scott on March 28, 2014
Q: No doubt this is a stupid question,but where is the sector allocation noted in the model portfolio? I can't find it. thanks

Read Answer Asked by M.S. on March 27, 2014
Q: Hi Peter.
As a new member I'm curious to know more about the trading parameters of the 5i model portfolio. Will the portfolio ever go short? (Inverse ETF's)? How often will stocks get cut and new ones added? Will the portfolio ever go to a certain level of cash or does it always stay 100% invested. A brief description of what too expect would be helpful.
Thanks Nicholas
Read Answer Asked by nicholas on March 26, 2014
Q: Hello,

This is a general question for new account regarding the Model Portfolio (MP).
When starting, considering that the stocks in the MP have already appreciated what's the best way to start?
Will the same strategy apply for 100K up to 500K accounts?

Read Answer Asked by Marios on March 24, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and team,

Considering my fairly limited Knowledge on fixed income products, i have a real penchant to buy some convertible debentures for my RRSP or LIRA account. My question is would you be including a selection in your end of month Income portfolio?


Read Answer Asked by Stephen on March 17, 2014
Q: Hi Peter. I have been very happy with your recommendations and as a new member love the forum. My question is as the Fed starts to put less money into the markets and interest rates rise what effect do you see on the model portfolio and what should we as investors avoid. Thank you Bob.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on March 10, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

Do you anticipate any scenario(s) where an investor might want to hold positions in both your current model portfolio and the upcoming income model portfolio. That would imply 40 securities - half in the dividend/growth category and half in income only.

To elaborate, for a conservative investor, would it make sense to have 35% of investment assets in the dividend/growth portfolio and 15-25% in the income portfolio, representing a 50-60% allocation of investment assets to equities?

Thanks for your thoughts on this as always.

Read Answer Asked by Michael on March 10, 2014
Q: Good Day, I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to sell my LSG shares in favor of G. I have taken a loss on LSG however would like to keep a gold position in my portfolio. Does this make sense? Thank You
Read Answer Asked by luke on March 09, 2014
Q: Good day Peter....Read that you're posting the RRSP model portfolio at the end of March. And I'm "chopping on the bite" to see it.....because I have funds to invest. With that background, I wondering what the general gist, or over arching principle will be? (For example, the non-registered portfolio has at it's core non-trading risk profile and stability.) Any chance of getting a glimpse of the positions that likely will make it to the RRSP model portfolio?....Tom M, aka curious guy.
Read Answer Asked by Tom on March 09, 2014
Q: Hi Peter and team. This is the 2nd time I heard someone mention an income portfolio. Has the 5i team published another portfolio, other than the model portfolio, I am not aware of? I remember last year you guys mentioned the possibility of starting a growth portfolio. Any updates on than front?

Lastly, I have zero oil/gas exposure. I was thinking of increasing my monthly income stream and getting a little growth as well by adding a combo of whitecap resources (wcp), torc oil and gas (tog) and surge energy (sgy). I was thinking, initially, these 3 names will collectively make up between 4% and 6% of my portfolio. Do you see anything wrong with the combination of these three names? I see torch sold off today after they released their earnings.

Thanks again and safe travels.
Read Answer Asked by john on March 07, 2014