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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: DH just released its 2016 Q1 results. It looks good to me but nowadays companies are evaluated on a quarter by quarter basis against the mysterious "expectations" by the market, which seldom care about anything long term. Good results are not necessarily rewarded with pops in share price, but bad results will definitely be punished.

With that said, how do you interpret the DH first quarter? I'm somewhat disappointed that there is no dividend increase since it's been set at $0.32 for a long time. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Victor on April 27, 2016
Q: Having bought some at much higher prices ($18) and given your recent comments around it's low valuation and that IT is trading at significant discount to it's peers would this be a good price to pick up some more and lower my ACB? I know if the company is sold it unlikely to be at a price that's a double from here. IT is an insignificant part of my portfolio but is in my tfsa so i can't use the loss.
Read Answer Asked by Richard on April 26, 2016
Q: Hello Peter,
I have done well on bombardier and was thinking of selling my position and adding to alimentation couche tard to bring to 5% weight given the current debate on the control structure. The stock is down on the news and was wondering if the switch would make sense given Bombardier is more speculative, but 5% weighting of couche tard makes me a bit nervous. Please advise.
Read Answer Asked by umedali on April 22, 2016
Q: What do you like about DBO? As you made room for this by removing CXI, I assume that you must really like this name.

Am I right in understand that the technology needs to be integrated into a film during the production process and can be quite labour intensive? Will this make it difficult for them to get a wide adoption of the technology?
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on April 22, 2016
Q: Why would Concordia agree to enter into discussions with Blackrock (or others) if they have confidence in their ability to integrate recent acquisitions, roll out newly-acquired drugs across a larger geographic area, and generally execute on their business plans? Doesn't it suggest management see insurmountable issues ahead in one or more areas? Thank you for your comments.
Read Answer Asked by Edward on April 22, 2016
Q: Hi,
I may have timed out in my last attempt to ask this question so please ignore it if it's still in the queue.

I'm looking to add either PBH or ATD.B. I currently only own Loblaws in this space. Do you have a preference for a long term hold in an RRSP account?

Thank you,


PS. Love the ability to tag my favourite Q&As.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on April 22, 2016