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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: A number of the companies in your growth Portfolio have seen significant recent pullbacks. Specifically, DND, NVEI, TSU, TVE, TIXT and CTS. Would you consider these companies as Buy/Hold/Sell at current pricing?

Read Answer Asked by Timothy on August 24, 2023
Q: hello 5i:
would Operating Cash Flow be the best metric to use when valuing this company? If so, I see that historically, they've traded for long stretches of time for a ratio of under 6.0. Would you then agree that something under this ratio would present good value? If Adusted (Operating) Earnings is the best metric, would a PE of 20 or less be a good value to buy into?
Paul L
Read Answer Asked by Paul on August 24, 2023
Q: Hi 5i,
AJG's GICS Sub-Industry classification is "Insurance Brokers".
Can you help suggest some Canadian listed Insurance Brokers stock that might be worth looking at for a TFSA and or NonReg account.
Read Answer Asked by Ian on August 23, 2023
Q: Good Morning, I have some BNS which I purchased at $70.00. I'd like to add to it with the div rate being so attractive. I'm looking at a 3 year time horizon.

Has BNS ever cut its dividend? It did not appear to be the case when I looked over the past 40 years but please confirm if this is the case. Do you see any potential catalyst for it doing so? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by John on August 23, 2023
Q: Hi Team,
For an 18 year old who just opened their TFSA and starting with $6500, what stocks or ETFs (CDN and/or US) would you start with? There are no trading fees so there is no worry to buy 10 names if that is the best way forward.
Read Answer Asked by Marco on August 22, 2023
Q: Hi
Wondering if these two companies are moving along on much the same pathway as CSU was in its infancy, wrt valuation metrics, trading volumes, share price, market cap etc?
Also why is LMN trading twice as many shares per day then TOI given TOI market cap is 8x LMN? Is it more well known even this early? Why is the volume so low?

Read Answer Asked by JEFF on August 18, 2023
Q: Hi, Do you have any idea why ATS has lost 15% of its value, within less than a month ($55 from the high of $64) ? Despite company posting solid results, stock has failed to gain any traction. This company, we know, is one of your favourites in the group. Is there any change in your thesis ? If not, should it be a great buying opportunity to add ? Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on August 18, 2023
Q: In a recent answer from 5i, it was said that BN was "sitting on a lot of capital waiting for attractive buyout opportunities".

A few questions I have are:
Do we know how much capital or cash that BN has to buy attractively valued opportunities? If they were to deploy this capital, would it move the stock positively? Historically, does BN buy slowly or do they make large purchases?
Read Answer Asked by Mike on August 18, 2023
Q: hi,
can I get your current thoughts on Lumine group as a long term investment-management-debt-earnings etc.... IPO was 16$, now trades higher? usually price goes to at least half IPO price? can you explain this price action? also, I think you have mentioned you like management, can you elaborate a bit, im having trouble understanding why by reading the company website.
cheers, chris
Read Answer Asked by chris on August 17, 2023
Q: Hi

I'm confused with this one. 5I considers PLC an Income stock, yet it has a yield of less than 2%. It is a perennial acquirer which I think of as a rollup strategy. If you look at it's 5 year stock performance, it is not impressive having reached $40+ and then tumbling back to 23 which is where it was 5 years ago. Admittedly, it is in a sector that will always have market demand, but other than that, what is the attraction?
Read Answer Asked by Carl on August 17, 2023
Q: With multiple xdivs coming up, what would be your top 10 Canadian dividend picks? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Eric on August 16, 2023