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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Gang, I'm down around 18% on both, are brokers usually right with their outperform recommendations, saw this on my TD account this morning, also what time frame should I have before cutting them loose. I'm patient but usually after 6-12 months my patience runs thin. Thanks Anthony

09 Aug 2017

BMO Capital
$72.00 Target
09 Aug 2017

BMO Capital
$82.00 Target
Read Answer Asked by Anthony on August 11, 2017
Q: Not a question, just two comments:

1) Two days ago I asked a question & expressed a certain level of discomfort with the slide in KXS, to which you "poured oil on the waters". In answer to a question from another subscriber, also about KXS, you reminded us to keep a longer-term focus, be in for the long haul not the short term. Thank you!

2) BMO Capital Markets & NA have both today issued reports with "Outperform" ratings for KXS, further reminder to keep a view of the long term and not panic. I do wonder, though, at the discrepancy in these two reports' price targets -- $82 & $100 -- that's a big spread!

Thanks for helping keeping us on the investment straight-and-narrow. LM.
Read Answer Asked by Lotar on August 11, 2017
Q: I've recently changed jobs and now have access to funds that were previously tied up in a group RRSP. I would like to start building the balanced equity portfolio, and at this point in time believe I have enough cash to buy about half of the portfolio now, with the intention of rounding it out in the new year.

Which 10 or so stocks from the balanced equity portfolio would you recommend starting with at this point in time? I'm in my late 20s so therefore have a long investment horizon.

Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on August 10, 2017