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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I bought this stock at $20.00 this summer and at that time had a great looking chart. It went to $24.00 within a month and since then is falling like a rock. Yesterday the company an acquisition in Italie. Would this be the cause of the 10% drop today? Is there other news that we do not know about? Is the fundamentals still good for this company (PE, debt, PB,etc)?

Thank you and Merry Christmas to all 5i crew.


Read Answer Asked by Paul on December 20, 2018
Q: Good morning 5i,
I should say right away, thanks very much for the heads up on Jnj. I took your advice and got out in the summer!
but, I unfortunatly do have some that are still in loss territory. I am worried that these are probably down at their lowest point and that there may be a rally in the New Year that I would miss if I sell for tax loss.

I wonder what your thoughts are on that? Also, if you think that there isn't much of a chance of them coming back soon, how would you rate them as a sell, ie which one most likely to stay down for 30 days?
Read Answer Asked by joseph on December 20, 2018
Q: Hello, 5i
Sometimes entry price counts....
I have followed CSU over a few months now.
I know that you are very reluctant talking prices makes this question probably frustrating
So this is my question:
/Which of csu or engh do you prefer?
If you prefer csu,
1/ do you think it is over/under or properly valued at $886
2/ in case of a economy/ markets breakdown, from your experience, can it drop another 20%
Read Answer Asked by claude on December 20, 2018
Q: Hello,
Like others, many of my stocks are down. Just wondering if I should be averaging down, and if I was, which 3-4 stocks I should be considering. I just saw your tax loss report and noted some of the stocks on there are in some of your portofolios. I've been following your balanced portfolio but do have positions in others such as GSY. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by jeff on December 20, 2018
Q: Morning guys:
I own the these 3 I’m down significantly with all three. All three of these have solid management teams and I have confidence to hold and dollar cost average for the long haul. Is it time to add at current prices.
Read Answer Asked by Mark on December 20, 2018