Q: Hi,
Happy Holidays. Please deduct as many credits as needed. I mainly follow your balanced portfolio, some of your other two portfolios and some US stocks etc. I just transferred my pension to a LIRA and have 30% cash to invest. With this pull back the timing might work out well. Retirement is 12 years away and my husband has pension for the fixed income portion of retirement. I plan gradually start to deploy 20% of the cash (still hold 10% cash for now) and add to all my current half positions and increase my holdings back to full positions that been beaten down such as TCL.A, DOO, NFI etc. I am not sure about adding to the following and wonder if they are a show me story or a good opportunity. Their portfolio weights have dropped to roughly the 1% range all in registered accounts with no tax loss advantage. Would you add to the following or just wait:
Any other stocks in your Balanced portfolio that that you would not add to at this time? Does this plan sound ok? Any other suggestions/advice
Happy Holidays. Please deduct as many credits as needed. I mainly follow your balanced portfolio, some of your other two portfolios and some US stocks etc. I just transferred my pension to a LIRA and have 30% cash to invest. With this pull back the timing might work out well. Retirement is 12 years away and my husband has pension for the fixed income portion of retirement. I plan gradually start to deploy 20% of the cash (still hold 10% cash for now) and add to all my current half positions and increase my holdings back to full positions that been beaten down such as TCL.A, DOO, NFI etc. I am not sure about adding to the following and wonder if they are a show me story or a good opportunity. Their portfolio weights have dropped to roughly the 1% range all in registered accounts with no tax loss advantage. Would you add to the following or just wait:
Any other stocks in your Balanced portfolio that that you would not add to at this time? Does this plan sound ok? Any other suggestions/advice