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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Ecn's preferred shares, ECN.PR.A, are down $5.00 or so since their issue last year, pay over 8% & their issuer ECN seems to be doing well. Is this quite a risky investment with a dividend of 8% percent for someone seeking yield? Is it fear of rising interest causing the drop or is there a problem with ECN that I'm unaware of? Thanks as always for your sage advice.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on January 14, 2019
Q: I have some cash to deploy. When do you anticipate updating your income, balanced, growth portfolios?
Read Answer Asked by Ric on January 14, 2019
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan, and Team,

Across all accounts, our sector allocations need re-balancing. I'm trying to re-allocate money only in stocks that are already held. In the Consumer Discretionary space, should I add to GIL and/or MG today? (GIL is 2.75% and MG is 2.92% of the total portfolio)

Thanks as always for the timely advice.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on January 14, 2019
Q: What is the lowest stock price and or market cap ever added to one of your portfolios ?
Read Answer Asked by Luc on January 14, 2019
Q: Hi 5i:
For this year’s contribution to the grandkids (4&3) RESP I’m considering adding TOY or SIS. One reason I’m leaning towards TOY is that they are always watching PAW Patrol.
I know you look favorable on both companies. Which company would you go with?
Thank you as always for your advice.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on January 10, 2019
Q: Comment and a question; About 40 years ago I was junior eng. on a non-starting LNG export project from Canada's Prince Rupert area to Japan. In the evaluation stage LNG was compared to methanol as a vehicle to transport methane (natural gas) to market and I heard that Japan would not import methanol due to its solubility in water and toxicity to fish as this was deemed too risky to a major source of food for Japan. I appreciate that there are methanol markets where this is not a consideration and that methanol is only one component of diverse energy and petchem supply. However, could you or your members or Public Affairs at Methanex add any relevant info on this subject.
I have no investment in Metanex. Private or public is OK.

Thanks for your insight, as always.
Read Answer Asked by Pat & Cyril on January 10, 2019
Q: Most of the companies under PBH are focused on meat production. I'm curious if the company has given any indication in their calls of diversifying their offering more going forward or looking at non meat companies for acquisitions (Daiya, Yves)?

I feel like I'm hearing a lot more new new years resolutions this year about having more meatless meals a week because of environmental and health concerns. Google searches for veganism have been steadily rising through the years as well.

I'd be curious to hear your thoughts and how it may affect PBH or any measures they're taking.

Thanks for all your work!
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on January 09, 2019
Q: Good day and happy New Year team,

This is a twofold question so deduct as many credits as needed. First, I know multiple questions have been asked about GUD in the past. I've been in the name for a few years and hold a gain. That said, how much more patience should one have with this stock? At what time should an investor move on because it really seems like not much is happening?
Second question not related to the first. I dabble in penny stocks and I constantly see 100 share bids from the same house. Bid gets filled and immediately another 100 share bid appears. My question is this a sign of a house accumulating and keeping the price low to do so? I know that's a general question. I'm just wondering if this is some form of manipulation by some bigger players.
Read Answer Asked by Seamus on January 09, 2019