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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: In one of the articles you suggested (can't remember which one), they were discussing correlations between stocks, sectors and assets. I find it an interesting way of further analyzing a portfolio. Could 5i someday provide correlation matrices for its different portfolios? Would be interesting to have a peak at it. Thank you very much
Read Answer Asked by Julien on July 25, 2019
Q: FYI. MX was downgraded by RY to US$65 TP(from $70) & CM to US$46($53).In my humble opinion,I cannot understand management's decision to go ahead with the project in this uncertain time(slowing global growth & possibility of recession) & after the price has recently declined some 50%(1yr H $107.07 to $53.09 today)
Read Answer Asked by Peter on July 23, 2019