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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: hello 5i Research team, Csu : do you know if the future spinoff of CSU on the Netherlands exchange going to trade as an ADR on another exchange? Do you know if it is expensive for retail investors to trade on the Netherland exchange? Do you think CSU is victim of conglomerate discount and that such spinoff is a reflection it? CSU recently nominated 4 new board members. It’s not often a company nominates 4 new board members. Do you think something is brewing for such a stable company? Thank you for your collaboration, Eric
Read Answer Asked by Eric on June 29, 2020
Q: Hello,
just wondering in your opinion why the did street dislike today's earning release? revenue missed but is the sell off justified? i see in the previous question the company has been buying back shares, but that seemed to have little effect in the price movements for the stock lately.
lastly, would you be fine starting a 1-2% position for a long term hold today?
Read Answer Asked by yongzhi on June 26, 2020
Q: In the short term, what are the biggest risks? COVID risks, an increase in cases to restrict SMB transactions; Offering price at $37.30, can the price cross the secondary offering price without an increase in selling volume; August quarterly report, that reflects the SMB reduced transactions due to shut in businesses; or the price ceiling at $35.00, that the price can’t get across?
Read Answer Asked by Clayton on June 24, 2020
Q: I'm looking for guidance and advice on BAM.
Being a long time (15yr+) holder of the security, I love the company and the management. I truly believe they are fantastic investors. BAM represents a number 3 position in my portfolio.

I fear that post covid, and after many, many companies got their first real taste of WFH on a large scale, the commercial real estate market is in trouble.

Looking to feel comfortable not selling into this fear, as I really do value the company in high regard. I just fear we have seen the peak already, at least for an extended period.

Let me know your thoughts.

Read Answer Asked by JAIME on June 24, 2020
Q: I am approaching my first year with 5i Research and it has been the best investment decision I've made. Thank you for your great service.

These days, it seems like an attractive strategy to buy a stock that has potential for significant upside recovery and has a great dividend that can accrue while waiting for that recovery. The risks would be that the dividend is stopped/reduced or the recovery doesn't happen. But some companies seem to be "good enough" that we can be *relatively* confident that it works out very well. Am I missing anything? Is EIF a great candidate for such a strategy? What are some better alternatives? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Laxmyharan on June 22, 2020
Q: First off thanks you Peter and the 5i Team for the great guidance during this roller coaster market. If not for 5i I might have panic sold out of stocks instead of small buys late March.

My portfolio mimics for the most part your Balanced Portfolio. To help me do so, what percent allocation ranges would you use to put the stocks into 3 (or 4) buckets of high / medium / low / (very low) conviction. This would help me compare allocation with a +/- tolerance. Feel free to add or reduce the number of buckets as appropriate.

Thanks again,
Read Answer Asked by Angelo on June 19, 2020
Q: I am considering starting a new position in REAL and wanted to know if you believe now is an appropriate time to initiate given the recent run-up in stock price. My primary concern is growth and I am interested to know whether you feel the stock is fairly valued or over vlaued at current levels. Do you feel the company can continue to grow / increase profits with the current economic backdrop. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by jonathan on June 18, 2020
Q: Hello. Further to the Walmart deal, are there any one way limitations built into this deal prohibiting SHOP from pursuing similar deals with other large retailers? If not, does this serve as something of a template for future deals, or is this a one-off because of Walmart's specific attempt to grow its web presence? Any other details or thoughts on how this specific deal affects SHOP would be appreciated. Thank-you.
Read Answer Asked by Alex on June 17, 2020