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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Will comercial real estate and in particular mall real estate keep Brookfield in the penalty box for the forseeable future.This name does not respond when the markets are buoyant ...but has. No problem falling with the general mkt.Are there better sectors to be deployed in until we get some Covid clarity?
Read Answer Asked by Kim on July 10, 2020
Q: Hi Guys
Savaria has fallen the last few months quite a bit. I would have thought in a world where people are motivated to stay in their homes, rather than move to long term care, it would be seen as a stock that would benefit from this trend, and the stock would follow.. I know they have companies they own in China - do you think this could be the reason - a concern about this part of their business given current CDN relations with China? I was thinking of adding to my existing position - up to about a 3% position - your thoughts?

Read Answer Asked by Stuart on July 08, 2020
Q: Market is indifferent to their recent investments,the latest being its $1B advance to BPY.un ,owners of office buildings & malls & urban retail properties .Bpu.un & its us subsidairy will repay Bam.a with their shares. Please comment. Is it timely to buy Bam.a Txs for u usual great services & views
Read Answer Asked by Peter on July 06, 2020
Q: I was disappointed in your answer to Andrew on June 30th regarding GIL. I too bought GIL based on your rating and recommendation (B+). I subscribe to 5i to help simplify my investment decisions, and do not expect to have to look for other subtle clues such as portfolio weight etc to assess how you actually feel about a stock. I don't expect perfection, but I do expect clarity, and timely updates of prior ratings if sentiment changes.
Read Answer Asked by Charles on June 30, 2020
Q: hello 5i Research team, PHO: 3 of the 5 board members only got 75% or 76% of « vote for » at the annual meeting. This is quite unusual. Could you identify some potential significant investors that would have voted against? Are awhere of anything about those persons that would explain this? Should I worry, especially with a new president? Can we expect some divergence of opinion between management and shareholders that could cause some change in the organization? Thank you for your collaboration, Eric
Read Answer Asked by Eric on June 29, 2020
Q: Hi, new member here and a bit overwhelmed with reviewing all the stocks being discussed.
Can you give your top 3 growth, balanced and income stock picks today that you feel are undervalued/oversold with good growth/future prospects?
Your picks don't have to be in your current portfolio's. I would like your top picks overall.
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on June 29, 2020