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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Could you speak about more about your decision to trim 1% of LSPD, and how investors should think about this in general? My understanding from the majority of your responses to questions related to reducing a position size, is that you like to "let your winners run to a point". Are you always trying to determine if it is becoming overvalued when deciding when to trim? Would this mean that if you have a winner in your portfolio, as long as earnings are growing in proportion to share price you would tend to let it ride? Any information to help me understand your general strategy and how to think about applying it would be greatly appreciated. Please remove credits are you deem appropriate. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Marc on June 07, 2021
Q: Hi 5i, I've seen a recently viral clip going around social media of a TV showing you which shoes an NBA player is wearing in real time while also giving you the option to purchase them. This seems like an incredibly powerful interface to drive consumer spending that can certainly be expanded to almost any visible entertainment platform. Is this along the same lines of Shopify? If not, I'm wondering if you know of any frontrunners in this space that would be worth taking a position.

Read Answer Asked by Kyle on June 02, 2021
Q: I have a half position and am in the process of building a full position in Leon's....just read the article (thanks David) about the 300% tariff on furniture sourced from China and Vietnam. I have gone to Leon's website, trying to get a feel for the potential impact on Leon's and could not find the information I need....hoping your sources and search engines are better.

What percentage of LNF is based on furniture?
What % of furniture is impacted by these initial tariff rates (% sourced from China and Vietnam)?
What is the likelihood of the final tariffs being similar to these initial ones?
What is the overall impact on Leon's and their business model going forward (when you net it all down, does the tariff have a significant impact on their overall business)?

Thanks for you help...Steve
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on June 02, 2021