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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: BAM.A is up 45.5% YTD. Is there anything you know of that would push BAM.A higher in the next 6 months?

This is one of those tricky / annoying timing questions! BAM.A is currently 8% of all our accounts, so I was thinking of selling 1% to boost our dividend income in an unregistered account. We have some losses from previous years to soften the capital gains.

Read Answer Asked by Robert on October 27, 2021
Q: Can you tell me whether you feel your model portfolios are appropriate to implement in a taxable account?

I have free trading on my taxable account and some cash to deploy, but I'm wondering if this is a wise move due to portfolio turnover and ACB tracking. For context, I have only ever invested in ETFs and low fee mutual funds previously - and only in tax deferred accounts.
Read Answer Asked by David on October 26, 2021
Q: This question is about REAL...which is held in a TFSA....and is down 66% or 4,700 loonies as of this evening, Oct 25th As it is held in at TFSA,and not being able to claim a capital loss for tax purposes, I wondering what my options are?....and this stems from  REAL being recently sold from the 5iR Growth Portfolio What comes to mind is sell now before the real tax loss season begins as it is likely to decline further #2..repurchase as the tax loss selling season ends or when it shows momentum #3...or just bit the bullet and move on Keen to get your take for my particular situation, even though you have moved on, or is there some other option, as I work to recover the loss, which I already know is not the best approach and something I don't do but as it is in the TFSA, I mentally just want to make up any loss on selling it by repurchasing it, crazy as it seems, eh?!.........Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on October 26, 2021
Q: Growth Portfolio: As of Sept. 30, 6 stocks plus cash accounted for greater than 51% of the value in the portfolio. Excluding cash those same six stocks accounted for about 47% of the investments. There are 8 positions of less than 2%.

Is this a just case of a limited universe from which to pick or a reflection on the top positions having the greatest potential and the small positions are, for lack of a better word, fill?
Read Answer Asked by Keith on October 22, 2021
Q: In the growth portfolio you bought REAL for $12.95 and sold it, per your Oct 12 update, on a day when the highest price it traded at was $9.81, locking in a 24% loss. If you "like the industry and the company's fundamentals continue to look decent," isn't this a classic case of "buy high, sell low" when nothing but sentiment has changed in the company's long term outlook?

Analyst consensus EPS is $0.47/share in 2022 and $0.56/share in 2023. If such earnings materialize, this would be 19% growth in earnings for a company with no debt. I know it's a big if, but if REAL does achieve $0.56/share in 2023, traders selling it today would be selling a stock with estimated 19% growth in earnings for only 17 times 2023 earnings. What am I missing?

I took a quick look at the 5I Growth Portfolio and found that a couple of your big losers, QST and MRS, are bigger losers than REAL and have no earnings and/or none forecast. Why not sell these instead of REAL?
Read Answer Asked by David on October 22, 2021