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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: A follow-up question on Shopify. If someone has already asked, disregard.
What impact will/did the news have that the company was terminating fulfilment contracts with some providers? In your opinion, is this a positive or negative? Maybe a positive that they have found a better way to do it (themselves) or a negative that things aren't working out as planned? Should the company have anticipated the reaction to the news and had a better prepared statement to deflect some of the price reaction? Finally, do you consider this a gradual buying opportunity?
Read Answer Asked on January 24, 2022
Q: What is your view on the downfall of Shopify? It's dropping way more than the market weakness. I believe the fundamentals are solid but this market and shop's performance makes one think twice. What is your take on what's happening? What support level will kick in and stop the bleeding? When does it report next and what does it need to report to be classified as good results? What do you anticipate? I have a small position that is getting smaller each day and am thinking of increasing my position.
Read Answer Asked on January 21, 2022
Q: As a long time member it seems to me previously 5i indicated a 1% position was too small to help performance in a portfoilio. Lately you have been adding 1% positions, why the change?
Read Answer Asked by Charles on January 21, 2022
Q: With the business update from WELL I'm reminded of a similar update from GSY in the depths of market turmoil in 2020. I think GSY re-affirmed their business at a very low stock price ($12? maybe $20?). Had I been wiser and more knowledgeable at the time I would have bought more then and I didn't.

I'm curious why one would not add to (or start) a position in WELL today?


Read Answer Asked by Cameron on January 20, 2022
Q: I see that WELL is planning to initiate a buyback program to take advantage of the drop in share price. Are you confident in management's assessment that the share price in undervalued? The price has still more than doubled in the past two years which is a steep increase. Also debt is almost 40% of it's market cap and they aren't currently showing any earnings. How will they fund future big acquisitions to continue this growth?

If we are confident with their assessment of value and their ability to execute going forward, should we not want the share price to drop further to make the buybacks more effective? In which case, why are they releasing material to pump the share price back up?

If the answer is that they need the share price higher to help fund acquisitions by diluting shareholders then the buyback program seems misleading.
Read Answer Asked by Alex on January 20, 2022
Q: Hi 5i.
While I have never been a fan of TD Bank Locking my sister in to GIC's for her childrens' RESP, I have remained quiet on the topic.
I can no longer do that so I turn to you for some information.

For the Market linked GICs held from 2016 to 2021 - 5 years - DESPITE MARKETS and SUB Indexes being near All Time Highs, TD Bank has told my sister the maturity value of the Linked GIC is the "Minimum Guaranteed Interest Rate of 0.389% total.
Instead of the 20% Max Payout that I can easily calculate based on annual sub index values.

It is my understanding these Linked GICs are a structured product with two pieces; zero coupon Bond and a futures contract. If Markets are at all time highs (annual index values below) how can TD Bank claim the product meets only the minimum interest payment? Do you have any insight into these products or know of a resource. The reason we are in the dark is due to the Financial Planner at TD saying, "sorry I can't help you understand that, it is calculated at head office".
(side note: I wonder if this Planner will be able to sell this product after the March Know Your Client changes? The TD Product is obviously not known to the Branch Planners)

The GIC - 50/50 link to TSX Bank Index and TSX Utility Index

Bank Index Values(Jan 3, 2017 thru Dec 31 2021:
3169.62, 3467.88, 3067.94, 3398.64, 3326.3, 4418.27
Utility Index Values ( Jan 3, 2017 thru Dec 31, 2921)
235.05, 250.41, 216.78, 290.84, 319.5, 343.21

Are these products just a TD Bank Scam and will never pay out?
How can the Markets be at all time highs, after a massive run from March 2009, and this TD Bank Market Linked GIC ONLY payout "Minimum Guaranteed Interest of 0.389%?

What are the steps to make TD Bank prove this outcome?
At Branch level they claim ignorance.

PS.....Unfortunately it does not only pertain to this year. Now I have to go back to each of the past three years to see if only minimum interest was paid instead of my calculated max Payout.
Read Answer Asked by David on January 20, 2022
Q: Hello!
What is the likelihood of WELL needing cash giving the share price drop, potential acquisitions, and value returning (or not) to the sector. Are we taking on unnecessary risk holding it at these levels under water? I really like the execution team and their strategy, but sometimes there are things the business cannot control. Would love to see them continuing expanding paying penny on the dollar, I don't see any insider selling so far at glance, encouraging.
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Etienne on January 20, 2022
Q: Hi,
Trying to decide whether to top up Boyd to a 2% position or sell it and buy Magna instead. No tax implications. As an fyi we also own DOO @ 2% incase that impacts diversification. We’ve been a happy Boyd share holders for years- thank you! Just wondering which company you think has more upside going forward.
Thanks for all that you do!
Read Answer Asked by KERRI on January 19, 2022
Q: Having held SHOP (TSX) for a number of years, it's discouraging to watch it whither away. While this downturn plays out, would it make sense to short the US version of the stock? Obviously, there are considerable risks involved and it would require close attention for entries and exits, but it seems like this might mitigate some of the losses. Or is this a dumb idea? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on January 19, 2022
Q: BAM had a brutal day today and has lost 10% previous to today. So we are off close to 15%.Would you view this price level as an attractive entry point for this name?
Read Answer Asked by Kim on January 19, 2022
Q: The New Report I received yesterday in my email shows "additions" of 1% in the growth portfolio to Kelt and Tamarack. When were the initial positions taken?
Read Answer Asked by Edgar on January 19, 2022
Q: I have a question for shopify it looks like there next report will come out on February 16. This company took a beating of $500.00 per share in the last 3 months, i am looking to get my feet wet on this company would you have any idea if they meat or beat their target can you see it taking off again.. And my other thought is i read alot of bartchart and it gives you signals like buy, sell, and hold which i do not follow it to closely but what i do check out on the companies that i am looking to add to my portfolio or if i already have them and that inside trading now i know why the tech's are taking a beating, pretty well almost all of them but not CSU in the last 6 months there is about 10 to 1 ratio that are mostly sellers. Some of these ceo or vp do not believe in their company. Thanks again guys sorry for making it so long you may charge me extra points.
Read Answer Asked by wilson on January 19, 2022