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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I m 73 years old with God willing at least another 10 years left. My Lightspeed is down 70%,$11,000. leaving me with $4,530 in my TFSA. Can you see any timeline for a turn around or should I be sucking it up and putting it in something else? Was looking at LIFE-T as a safety measure but wondering if you have some other suggestions.
Thank you for what you do for us
Read Answer Asked by Bonnie on April 13, 2022
Q: Hi 5i,

your web site says the D/E for DOL is 155.9.
This seems high and doesn't make a lot of sense because I believe you
like the stock. Can you help explain. What is the balance sheet of the company like? Do they have much debt to be concerned about in a rising interest rate environment?

thanks for your insight
Read Answer Asked by Ian on April 11, 2022
Q: good morning everyone at 5i: I would like to increase my exposure to Canadian equities- will you provide etfs, or tmx be a good option, or perhaps one best stock in each sector- . thanks for your time-- Jane
Read Answer Asked by jane on April 09, 2022
Q: With all the supply chain issues, and supply chain management being KXS specialty why was the stock flat in 2021, and down 2022. Supply chain issues persist, KXS does not appear to be capitalizing. Will revenue and share price improve through this year? I know it has been mentioned they have lumpy earnings but the conditions for their products should be very strong.
What am I missing on KXS?

Thank you, Mike
Read Answer Asked by Mike on April 08, 2022
Q: I can't understand why GSY iat a 52 week LOW. Yes high growth stocks and NASDAQ are going down. GSY has a PE close to 10. It is a value stock not a crazy growth stock. It is making money and yet it is being treated like a .COM stock.
Easy answer would be, the market thinks recession is coming and GSY will not perform well.
Do you have any explanation for GSY being at a 52 week low despite beating all estimates on quarterly results?
Read Answer Asked by Herm on April 08, 2022