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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What one to select?...that is the question for me. GOOG is trading at 20.6 x earnings and AMT at 43.1 x earnings. Wow what a difference in this metric.....Guess I go with GOOG, right?!......(Even thought keen to add to AMT)
Then there is PLC...keen to top up, like overweight as some investors are bailing out, while future revenue growth is expected to be strong for the rest of this year and 2023. PLC is now trading at 27.4 times earnings. Time to add, right?!...........Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on September 12, 2022
Q: 3 questions

What is the annual return for ENB since it went public when you include dividends & largest drawdown?

Would a 20% position in ENB for a retired person looking for income make sense?

What are the 5 safest Canadian & US stocks that would provide the best protection against drawdowns?
Read Answer Asked by Nick on September 09, 2022
Q: Similar to another question I submitted, I would like to ask about a potential switch. I presently own Linamar which has been doing well; Magna has continued to slide but generally has a favourable long term outlook. If it were you, would you sell LNR after its good momentum and acquire MG while it is beaten up, and if so, why or why not? Total return is the objective, nor are taxes a concern. Thank you for your excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on September 09, 2022
Q: Hi,
Mr. Jeremy Grantham is predicting that the bursting of this current Super Bubble is almost here! Though reading his newsletter I couldn't find any specific date. His prediction is based on Fundamental analysis though some Technical Analysts have predicted the capitulation is not here yet as well. It seems that there is a convergence of these two seemingly opposing disciplines.

Any thoughts on Mr. Grantham's predictions?
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on September 08, 2022
Q: I am a vlaue investor, 76 years old, good pension. 43 stocks, 16 ETF's including the above covered call ETF's. I do have some growth holdings (IWO, LNF, WSP).All are doing well except ZIM and SYZ (not worried). My question is the covered call holdings are 10% of my portfolio. Is 10% too much? I do enjoy the $650 a month dividends which have been consistent for the past five months.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by STANLEY on September 07, 2022
Q: These companies are possible tax loss candidates this fall. Which are most likely to be the best choices for a rebound over the medium term (one - three years)? Please grade accordingly: most likely to rebound (best to worst); potential upside (highest to lowest).

Read Answer Asked by John on September 06, 2022
Q: Taking into consideration current valuations and quality of these companies please rank these companies. Do any in particular look like interesting buys at the moment?

Read Answer Asked by Albert on September 06, 2022
Q: I own 5% (my max) weightings in BIP.UN and BEP.UN. I've always wanted to invest in BAM.A, but avoided this with a concern of too much overlap. However, now with the upcoming BAM.A spin-off, could one then make more of a case ? i.e. to invest that 5% in the "Asset-light" unit once this split occurs?

If you agree with that, do you have any concerns with a 15% overall weighting within the Brookfield group?
Read Answer Asked by James on September 06, 2022
Q: Hi 5i,

I have maybe a rare question for you. I have done quite well with my stock selections (much thanks to you for many of the wise choices) and are sitting on a pool of Capitol Gains. Now, my wife and I are entering the phase of our life where we can make some significant "tax-friendly" charitable donations. Always keeping in mind, saving enough for the rest of our days. Our question is: If you had to sell from the list I provided, and thinking of holding the remainder at least another 10 years, which would you chose to sell a portion of ? Perhaps the top 3, in order of choice ? Thanks so much.
Read Answer Asked by Jim on September 02, 2022
Q: Hi group i am holding 30% in cash ($200,000). When should i start putting these $ to work?. I own several of the following companies + some i am looking to repurchase after selling in July to cover loses, in what order and at what price should i start to buy.


Thanks for your help and guidance deduct credits as you see fit
Read Answer Asked by Terence on August 31, 2022
Q: Leaving other factors aside (eg taxes etc), within a well diversified portfolio would you be ok with selling CIX and TECK.b in favour of buying WCN and DOL? Basically I am asking if you think these latter two (at current valuations) might outperform the former in what I expect to be a somewhat moderate to deep recession? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Doug on August 31, 2022
Q: Wow, it appears that there will be further, possibly much further decline in stock prices over the next while. That got me thinking/wondering about trimming of selling Canadian stock held in the TFSA....and these stocks are also held in a trading and registered account. Some, like ATZ and PBH are in the consumer discretionary sector, a sector that might be considered more risky in the current market setting. An others, like GSY that is the loan business, a subsector of the financial sector. And finally, there is industrials like TFII, and a US position in TT that also sells into Europe which is in turmoil. This is a sample of the holds that are still in a gain position. Would you consider trimming back to a more risk appropriate weighting, selling the ones in TFSA and avoid income tax or just hold and ride it out???....Thanks for your insight....Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on August 30, 2022
Q: Interested to note you selected TCN as one of three Canadian stocks you would overweight for a 2-3 hold. How would you compare TCN to MG in terms of risks and total return over the same period? For an investor with a balanced portfolio, which would you recommend? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on August 30, 2022