Q: I have held TOY for a number of years. It has been a frustrating ride. They have lots of cash, a great balance sheet and a seeminly strong presence in the toy industry ..... but it never seems to get the same multiples as its peers. Every once in a while it reports a decent quarter or offers encouraging guidance and a twinkle of its potential is shown, but it just never seems to build on the momentum. I hate to be selling TOY "at the bottom" if the pendulum is about to swing back hard, but I am considering selling TOY and increasing my small holding in ECN. ECN seems to be a much more shareholder friendly company with strong management who are seeing their sp under pressure as well. Which do you think has more potential for relatively safe, oversized returns over the next 5 years ? If you have concerns about both, and think there are better alternatives, where would you put your money instead?
Many Thanks
Many Thanks