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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Of the consumer cyclicals held are there any you would sell? Any you would add to? And, do you have other Canadian or US names you would suggest looking into at this time?

5+ years timeframe, high risk, growth-focused in a TFSA.

MG (-30%)
LNF (-22%)

Thank you!

Read Answer Asked by Stefan on April 24, 2023
Q: Q1
Could you please rank from your six highest conviction CAD mid-cap stocks for a 5-year plus hold.

Could you please rank your six highest conviction CAD small-cap stocks for a 5-year plus hold.

Could you please rank your six highest conviction US small-cap stocks for a 5-year plus hold.

Read Answer Asked by Stefan on April 24, 2023
Q: With 2 year investment window, please rank the following : NVEI, ATZ, SHOP, BN, DSG,SLF,TOI,GSY, Googl

Would you maintain the same ranking for a 5 years window


Read Answer Asked by V on April 24, 2023
Q: Brief thoughts on these weeds I'm looking to pick.

Return and % weight in portfolio now and what I plan:

MGA: -39, 2.13%. Looking to trim slightly down to 1.5%, add to ATZ, BYD, BKNG or SBUX?
ILLM: -87%, 0.14%. So small now its insignificant, roll into GOOG position
CTS: -46%, 0.96%. Hovering at 1 yr low. Aside from strategic review, what's the catalyst?
MED: -61%, 0.80%. Sell and add to ATZ, BYD, BKNG or SBUX?

Toss them, hold them or water them? Thanks!

Read Answer Asked by Keith on April 21, 2023
Q: Looking for your top 4-5 Canadian Companies, income or growth, that you would recommend buying today for someone with a 5-10 year time horizon.

Read Answer Asked by Cam on April 21, 2023
Q: Hi,

Which do you prefer for growth over the next 5 plus years or are there more / better opportunities in the field?

Read Answer Asked by Gary on April 21, 2023
Q: RESP for 2 year old, with current year contribution to deploy ($3,075). Considering selling SHOP (8% weight) and NVDA(15% weight) and adding equally position in BN and AMZ CDR. Objective to diversify portfolio and add some growth potential. Thoughts on this plan, or alternative suggestions?
Read Answer Asked by Virginia on April 20, 2023
Q: Hi 5i,
I have 3 different questions- please deduct accordingly.
1.) Since March 24 KEY (+12.46%) has outperformed each of ENB (+6.21%), TRP (+8.75) and PPL (+8.06%) by fairly substantial margins. I know that's a short time frame, but can you offer an explanation for KEY's better performance, and would you expect it to continue to lead the others over the next year?
2.) GSY is at or close to its lowest level since January 2021 - do you think the relevant company, sector and economy related bad news is now priced in and expect it to recover to the $150 range over 12 - 18 months, or do you think that's a pipe dream, and why or why not?
3.) In your opinion is ET likely to recover to at least the $14.00 level (where I bought it some time ago) this calendar year - and why or why not.

Read Answer Asked by Peter on April 18, 2023
Q: I have had these 2 companies in my rrsp portfolio for over 2 and half years now. usb has been up and down but not doing anything and cvs was up nicely and now i reached the even mark on it. I would like to replace both of these what will be your suggestion would you have that i can replace these 2 with what other stocks please and thank you
Read Answer Asked by wilson on April 18, 2023
Q: Hello Peter,

I have shortlisted 5 stocks for a new position in TFSA of my wife and mine. I am thinking of 3 full positions or I could divide amongst 4. Could you help me eliminate one from my list and would appreciate if you could rank the other 4 in order of our preference - best first?
Thank you for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Rajiv on April 17, 2023
Q: Thanks to strong performance largely from CSU and KXS, I am both overweight in Tech and also have outsized positions in both - CSU along with the spin offs is ~13% of total now.

While I like to let the winners run this position feels too oversized and would appreciate considerations around taking some earnings off here . Since I am also underweight in Industrials, Utilities, and Healthcare what would be good long term options here (I'm 41) to transition into?
Read Answer Asked by Ryan on April 17, 2023
Q: Good Afternoon
I hold BAM, Bank of Nova Scotia, Leon’s, GDI and Lightspeed. I have held these stock for years and each position makes up about 1-2 % of my portfolio. I am looking for a bit more torque. Can you suggest a consolidation candidate or perhaps one of Shop, Descartes , Doo or one you prefer better. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Marty on April 17, 2023