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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I've got 20K to invest in some growth. How do you feel about splitting the funds between these two companies?
Read Answer Asked by Brett on September 28, 2023
Q: Hi group please indicate in what order and at what entry price would you add to the above stocks. Only comment on the top 10 out of above list (i have a 100k to spend would you go all in now or wait until markets settle Thanks for your help with this decision
Read Answer Asked by Terence on September 28, 2023
Q: Good morning,

For an RRSP hold long term 10+years which of these would you prefer? What are the differences between these FTT & TIH company? In your opinion which as the stronger management and most upside? Both have contracts with CAT would they have similar deals with CAT for sales?
Read Answer Asked by Kolbi on September 27, 2023
Q: Most of the focus on AI to this point has been on providers. What is your thinking about its widespread implementation? Should we expect significant dislocation of intellectual human resources for example? What sectors, companies will be less obvious beneficiaries? Are there published discussions of the potential transformations we should expect?
Thanks, Hugh
Read Answer Asked by Hugh on September 27, 2023
Q: Just a follow up to a previously answered question regarding which ETFs you would choose. What would be your weighting in a portfolio containing SPY, QQQ, IJH, AGG and VYM?

If you were to remove bonds (AGG) altogether, where would you allocate weighting?
Read Answer Asked by David on September 25, 2023
Q: Thoughts on whether or not you think we will have hard or soft landing. If one is a long term investor looking for income/growth what is your advice during this time especially watching areas like utilities/reits go lower and lower? Cyclicals too, not looking good and if we go into a hard landing with lots of bankruptcies things could get a lot worse. Thanks for your insight!
Read Answer Asked by Neil on September 25, 2023
Q: I am curious about investment strategist Edward Chancellor’s idea that a sector with recent huge inflows of capital is quite likely to see an oversupply and price collapse (e.g. perhaps a partial explanation for behaviour of ‘green’ stocks during last several years). How could the average investor obtain data or insight into current sector capitol allocation? In that context, do you see any sectors that currently might be particularly vulnerable, or alternatively at an advantage, within this theoretical scenario?
Read Answer Asked by John on September 22, 2023
Q: Hi, I was wondering if I can get your opinion on these stocks I'm holding losses on ATZ down 50%, ENPH down 25%, CROX down 25% and GSY down 20%.
I did tax loss selling last year in late December which bit me hard when the stocks took off in January with me sitting on the sidelines. Should I consider selling any of these now with the intention of buying back in 30 days and harvesting the tax loss? If so which would you suggest selling and which would you buy back? Short of that would you suggest averaging down on any of these instead? Thanks in advance! Take as many credits as you wish.
Read Answer Asked by Harry on September 21, 2023
Q: Hello, what are the reasons that constellation made 2 spinoff (topicus and lumine) in the past years ? Why did they not keep everything under one roof and continue to grow constellation instead and follow the same path like Berkshire Hathaway that never did a spinoff.
Read Answer Asked by jean on September 21, 2023
Q: I want to take advantage of some stocks that are down now with potential of high returns in the future. Can you suggest some undervalued stocks to pickup right now?
Read Answer Asked by Ashleigh on September 21, 2023
Q: I'm wondering about Dollarama compared to the US dollar stores. DOL is near a 52 week high and DLTR and DG are near 52 week lows. What difference(s) between this companies makes their recent performance so different? Do you think Dollarama going to follow the US companies performance in the near future?
Read Answer Asked by Mike on September 21, 2023
Q: Could you provide or provide a source for historical TSX sector performance?

There is the TSX 60 performance chart over time and that of individual stocks. I haven't been able to locate a consolidation of the individual stocks in each sector. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Delbert on September 20, 2023
Q: Hello Peter,
Do you still see both Topicus and Lumine Group as long term holds or should i just buy CSU and add more to my existing shares? If oil companies decide to privatize, how would the investor share price be reflected? Does the company buy out our portion of shares and at what price (current price of market).. Lastly, any comments on baytex would be appreciated. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by umedali on September 20, 2023

Which are your Top 3 and Bottom 3 choices based on total return over what you consider a longer term?

Read Answer Asked by Fred on September 19, 2023
Q: Hi guys!

Thank you for your work.

If you had to describe the current market direction (up, down, sideways, don't know) how would you describe it?

Would you suggest 5 highish likelihood stocks ready for a bit of a rebound within the next few weeks/months?

Suggestion: We learn from our mistakes. Is there any chance you could have a page that notes all of 5i's misses (along with the explanation)?

I have been getting some bullish scuttlebutt on CIX. Would you give me your opinion on CIX's future...and likelihood it will get to $30?
Read Answer Asked by D on September 19, 2023
Q: What sector allocation % would you recommend that one maintain today in a "balanced" portfolio?
Read Answer Asked by Eric on September 18, 2023