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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Not sure if anyone else raised this point. With full respect I believe your May 15th comment on CHR.B changing the monthly payout to quarterly, should be the other way around (quarterly to monthly). If I have my wires crossed please count this as one of my questions.

Great Q&A , it is a pleasure to review at the end of each evening
Read Answer Asked by Mike on May 16, 2014
Q: ANS - I am holding shares in Ainsworth Lumber which is steadily going down since the deal with LP tanked. What is your outlook on ANS for the future.. is it worth holding?
Read Answer Asked by Susan on May 15, 2014
Q: Your view on CHR.B (Chorus Aviation Inc) Q1 report.Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Roy on May 15, 2014
Q: ENT -vs- MCR -please compare growth prospects short/medium term and why - thanks
Read Answer Asked by don on May 15, 2014
Q: Hello,
I was wondering if I could get your opinion on the growth potential, ideal entry points and long term price for the following companies:
Capstone Mining
Sherrit International
High Arctic Energy

As usual thank you for the excellent service and information.
Read Answer Asked by David on May 15, 2014
Q: WEQ WesternOne came out with their earnings. I thought they looked pretty good but wish to defer to someone better at the judging than me! What do you think of them?

Read Answer Asked by Gerald on May 14, 2014
Q: Hi Guys, I just got back from my financial advisor (yearly checkup), most of our discussion was about my fix income investments, please give me a grade ( A thru D) on the following; SCW, PCD XMA, POW, SSF.UN, TZZ, ENF AND EFC.
thanks again for your time.
Read Answer Asked by jim on May 14, 2014
Q: HI,
Can you offer comments on CJT results. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on May 14, 2014
Q: Hi team,
What is your opinion on the latest earnings report for DHX and BYD.UN both announced earlier this morning.
Thanks for all your great research.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on May 14, 2014
Q: Hi,

I'm a long term investor. Why did you choose Enbridge for your model portfolio over TransCanada or IPL? Would this be a good time to add it to my portfolio or do you see further weakness in summer?

I'm also looking for an oil/ gas stock as a long term hold, preferably with dividend. What do you think of High Arctic Energy or do you have a better idea?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on May 14, 2014
Q: Peter,
What do you advise a client as the best sequence of analytical parameters to employ when looking at a stock for the first time,say to include in a watch list and then to follow with a view to owning?Thank you; with the emphasis on 'sequence'
Read Answer Asked by ANDREW on May 14, 2014
Q: Hi Peter, I have Ten gran and like to buy solid blue chip with higher dividend and growth as well due to safety of capital and would be fine with plus minus 15% volatility in stock on margin and total funds to invest would be app $40G, please give me seven names to invest for long term hold and buy in TFSA account. I thank you for great advice and your webinar was great, learned lot from it.
Read Answer Asked by Andy on May 14, 2014
Q: Hello 5I team,
I feel a little repetitious in thanking you for your wonderful service. But, i think that we are all so impressed that we are compelled to do so over and over again!

My question involves Metro (MRU). You mentionned that you didn't think it was one of the best in this area, I believe. You seem to like Loblaws more, if I am not mistaken. But, the question I have concerns the fact that Metro owns a number of Alimentation Couchetarde shares. About seven or eight per cent I believe. Would you see this as a hidden asset and worth holding on to Metro because of? I have a good profit on Metro but I am looking for a few candidates for thinning the herd. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by joseph on May 12, 2014