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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi,

Would you buy Y at the current prices. Why is their PE ratio so low compared to other companies. If you have to choose the best groowth stocks right now which stocks would they be.
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on May 22, 2014
Q: I'll need more great information from you guys.
Two of my holdings, Glenworth GNW is down about 7% from its recent highs. I have a small position I am wondering if I should add more if it looks like it is going to move back up.
A while back you had said that Cardiome PHARMA was okay, since then, the stock is down about 18% after I guess a bad quarter. I've had this stock for quite a while and it seems to be very disappointing. Is there any hope for it?
Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on May 22, 2014
Q: gwo and hwo what do you think of these companies and which do you prefer for income and growth. thanks
Read Answer Asked by don on May 22, 2014
Q: I have held POT since the $34. range so I am happy with the results to date. However I am wondering if this might be a good time to sell and switch into something with more torque, possibly in the industrial sector. POT represents approx 4%. Any suggestions or perhaps with talk of a possible buyer perhaps holding is ok.
Thanks. As always your service is extraordinarily helpful & informative.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on May 22, 2014
Q: Your opinion on KPT and ACC?
Both yielding close to 5%.
Any other equivalent safe choices?
Read Answer Asked by S on May 22, 2014
Q: Hello Peter & Co.
I hold Westshore Terminals WTE since April 2010 and have doubled my capital since then + another 25% in distributions. I keep holding it because it has an unbelievable, hard to replace, infrastructure asset. Besides, I feel it is going to be very hard to add another terminal like that on the West Coast.
Your opinion is most valued
Read Answer Asked by Antoine on May 21, 2014
Q: Peter can I have your thoughts on Conifex CFF its management team is stellar including George Malpass the old owner ceo of primax which never lost money in its history . It ipo on tsx today
Read Answer Asked by Stan on May 21, 2014
Q: Do you see Russia's Natural Gas deal today with China having an effect on Canadian Gas companies, pipelines etc.

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by Craig on May 21, 2014
Q: What is your opinion for long term hold on the following:
Read Answer Asked by Saroj on May 21, 2014
Q: Morning Peter and All,

I am planing to establish a position of a lumber stock in my long term holding portfolio. My preferred screening result is WEF:TSX for its low valuation, good geo-location of its reserves, export to Chinese market and reasonable dividend yield. Normally, I can bear 30% price correction for a stock in my long term holding portfolio, provided my buying conditions are still kept well.

Looking for your comments? If my choice is fine, what is your suggestion about the buy prices?

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Eric on May 21, 2014
Q: At any given time I have between 10-20% of my portfolio in cash to take advantage of dips in the market . I do worry about this cash sitting "idle". Several years ago a broker recommended I keep the funds in a money-market fund but I found it actually lost money... Not sure what I should do with the cash. I need quick access to it and would be happy with anything beyond a 0% return! Looking forward to hearing your advice. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Chad on May 20, 2014
Q: BAD was B+ in the June 2013 report and A- in the April 2014 5i summary. Do you log when and why the rating was changed somewhere?

Please provide your top 5 growth stocks that I can buy over the next month and hold for a few years.

Read Answer Asked by Willie on May 19, 2014
Q: Canwell - CWX
As I was inputting this question, the screen jumped out of query mode and back to Q & A. I'll repeat what I was asking. CWX is consolidating shares at some point. Today's SP has jumped substantially. I have CWX in RBC and BMO investment accounts and both show the share price increase but do not reflect any changes in the # of shares. Is this a timing issue or a legitimate increase in SP?
Thanks, Bev
Read Answer Asked by Beverly on May 16, 2014
Q: I own a small amount of Ainsworth Lumber (ANS). What do you think of selling it and buying Western Forest Products (WEF)?
Read Answer Asked by Larry M. on May 16, 2014
Q: It is becoming more common to use enterprise value/EBITA to determine if a stock is in a buying range. How does this compare with price/earnings and price/cashflow for the same company.

Read Answer Asked by ken on May 16, 2014