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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Is this a bad time of the year for auto stocks? ACQ continues to move downward, as does LNR while MG is basically drifting.
Read Answer Asked by John on July 30, 2014
Q: Am I correct in assuming that the price of Bell Aliant (BA) continues, and will continue, to fluctuate because of the underlying share price of BCE, since BCE shares are part of the buyout package?

Secondly, as I own BA in a taxable account, is it best to continue to hold BA and wait until the deal closes in order to collect the higher BA dividend as well as get BCE shares on a tax free basis? (I am assuming that the BCE shares coming to me will be tax-free).

Thanks for the continued wonderful service.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on July 29, 2014
Q: Favourite Canadian Blue Chips with Dividends

Hi Team,
You often suggest older investors looking for some income should have a significant holding of Canadian Blue Chip dividend payers.

What are your favourites in this category right now?

Thank you. Michael
Read Answer Asked by Michael on July 28, 2014
Q: I know you do not like either of these stocks but if you had to pick one which would you choose air canada or chorus. Thanks dave
Read Answer Asked by david on July 28, 2014
Q: I am considering SYZ,HCG, FSV and ESL in a TFSA as suggested in your response to a previous question. Please rank the stocks as no effect, minimum effect or material effect downside to rising interest rates. If any are considered to have a material effect would you please suggest an alternative to fit the group of 4 stocks. Thank you so much.
Read Answer Asked by Richard on July 28, 2014
Q: Disappointing article on M/F’s. Top performing funds for 3 yrs that barely missed the top quartile in the other year would be eliminated by this filter. (Aside: I’m not a fan of MFs but don’t like bad analysis.)
Read Answer Asked by Bill on July 28, 2014
Q: Dear Gentlemen,
Can I say that all stocks I5 follows are in the I5 Summary spread sheet ?
Thanks and Best Regards
Read Answer Asked by Djamel on July 28, 2014
Q: Hi guys , great service been in for a year plus and am very happy.
Can you project what will happen to dividend flat and dividend growth stocks if we see a bump up in inflation and a rise in interest rates.To the point are dividend stocks overvalued historically, in the relentless search for yield.
Read Answer Asked by Greg on July 25, 2014
Q: What do you think of all the changes going on at loblaw L? It hit a new high today. I really like loblaw finally and am thinking of adding to my position. I know they need to integrate shoppers but with all the joe fresh stores opening up and the dividend money they keep getting from their choice REIT I see nothing but upside on loblaw. Agree?
Read Answer Asked by Helen on July 24, 2014
Q: Good Afternoon Peter and Team,
Just read a blog on Mawer Investment Management's site which discusses "10 Ways That Investors Can Avoid Being Duped". Link is below:
I suppose one of the best ways to help avoid being duped is to keep your 5i Membership up to date and pay very close attention to what Peter and/or Ryan have to say about a particular company before you purchase.
Just thought I would share this with other members. Thanks, DL
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on July 23, 2014
Q: Hello 5i team,
In early May, I sold all my VRX shares to buy a ½ position in each of CXR and GUD with the view to maintain the ½ position in GUD but to add another ½ in CXR.
CXR has flown up by 26% since then and that is making me hesitate to buy the other ½; my other holdings in the health care sector are a full position in 2 ETFs namely XHC and ZUH; I still have some spare cash so what would you suggest?
Read Answer Asked by Antoine on July 23, 2014
Q: I purchased some shares of Martin Rea (MRE) some time ago then purchased about 80% more when there began issues with the Board. My shares are now up by about 60% reflecting, I believe, the resolution of the fight within the Board. When I compare MRE to Magna, I see that MRE is essentially flat over the past year whereas MGA is up about 50%. Since the 50% for Magna is reflected to some degree in its higher PE ratio than MartinRea’s, is it reasonable to expect that MRE still has some opportunities to increase in value at a faster pace than Magna? I have no plans to sell my MRE because of the potential catchup of PE ratio unless you feel that I should be exchanging the MRE for Magna recognizing the quality of Magna versus MRE. My percentage of MRE is only about 2-3% of my entire portfolio. At this time in the auto business cycle would you recommend me increasing the percentage to the 5% range or stay cautious. If you recommend I should buy more again which of the two (or others?) would you recommend? As always, I highly respect your opinion and recommendations even if I don’t always follow them.
Read Answer Asked by ED on July 23, 2014
Q: If I was the risk a relatively small portion of my capital and not be too concerned about losing it, what stocks over about a three year period would you recommend? about 3 to 5 companies iam talking about.
Read Answer Asked by Pat on July 22, 2014
Q: Hello 5i,
I have 2 stocks that are near 52 week highs, but have concerns about.

1) Chr.b Chorus Aviation, I am concerned that they rely on Air Canada for business and should AC decide to go with another carrier or fly these routes themselves it would ruin Chorus.

2) Win.US, Windstream Holdings, there is always concern that they will not be able to maintain the current dividend ($ 1.00 per year)because they have too much debt and declining revenues.

Are my concerns warranted? Would you hold or sell these stocks?

Read Answer Asked by Max on July 22, 2014
Q: Valeant continues to struggle and its on going battle with Allergen doesn't seem to be going anywhere. You have mentioned previously that even if the Allergen deal goes through, the new company will be risky given the debt load. As I already down on this stock, would now be a good time to sell and purchase Concordia or Knight since the risk profiles may not end up being that different?

Thanks for the superb service.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on July 22, 2014