Q: Good morning team 5i. I am in the middle of rebalancing my very well diversified 4 PFs, that is doing well all in all with most of your stock suggestions in your PFs (THANK YOU). I treat them as one PF. Around Apr 23/15, you mentioned that an investor should have no more than 15% to 20% in Small Caps. Around June 16/15 you mentioned Cap Sizes are as follows; SMALL - 75 million to 500 million, MID - 500 mill to 1 Billion, and LARGE -1 Billion and above. Canadian Business Magazine 2015 Special Edition on Pg 127, mentions SMALL 1 Billion or less, MID - 1 to 5 Billion, and LARGE - 5 Billion and up.
Would you please clarify this for me?!! If I follow Can Bus. Mag I am too heavily weighted in small caps!
Also would IWO ETF be considered SMALL or do ETFs fit the consideration of Cap size?
Would you please clarify this for me?!! If I follow Can Bus. Mag I am too heavily weighted in small caps!
Also would IWO ETF be considered SMALL or do ETFs fit the consideration of Cap size?